Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beaten Unconscious for Being White and Robbed !!!

"I am shocked and traumatized. But my eye began to open again....my body feels finally better and the headaches and nausea retreated, "said a resident of the Rose City at the end of the last week - a victim of a brutal "black on white" terror attack during which he was beaten unconscious and even robbed !!!

Story by 27 years old Gideon van Eeden...

The welder by profession, who have almost 32 km to work one way(each day)..... on Thursday night after withdrawing money from the ATM at the Shell gas station at the N8 entrance to the city, Gideon  was beaten with a blunt object in the head until he lost consciousness.... stolen were R1 500 in cash , his ID, bank card, and the cellular phone ....

"All I remember is that I started walking to my house in Ferreira. I woke up later in the cold stream. "

He said he had severe pain and his clothes and hands were covered in blood.

"I got up out of the water and walked into the cold morning to the nearest police station at Central Park, where I have again lost consciousness.

"I do not know if the police took me to the hospital and if I was transported by ambulance...When I gain back consciousness, the doctor was with me in the Pelonomi hospital to repair the wounds on my head with 12 stitches.  "

"My mother was very worried at the time because I had not been home."

As a result of this brutality, there could be permanent damages....

The incident happened shortly before Dr. Magteld Smith, of the University of the Free State (UFS) Department of otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose and throat medicine) was attacked on Friday at Seven Dams's location by a the black terrorist armed with knife during her dachshunds's walk.

Nog ’n Bloemfonteiner aangeval, beroof

“Ek is geskok en getraumatiseer. Maar my toegeswelde oog begin weer oopgaan, my lyf voel al beter en die hoofpyne en naarheid begin wyk,” sê ’n inwoner van die Rosestad, wat einde verlede week ook ’n slagoffer van ’n gru-aanval was waartydens hy bewusteloos geslaan en toe beroof is.

Hierna is Gideon van Eeden (27) in ’n yskoue waterstroom gelos.

Dié sweiser van beroep, wat elke dag bykans 32 km werk toe en terug loop, is Donderdagaand van agter aangeval nadat hy geld by die kitsbank by die Shell-vulstasie by die N8-ingang na die stad onttrek het. Hy is met ’n stomp voorwerp oor die kop geslaan totdat hy sy bewussyn verloor het, waarna hy van R1 500, sy identiteitsboek, bankkaart en selfoon beroof is.

Van Eeden kan nie presies onthou hoe lank dit was nadat hy die geld getrek het dat hy oor die kop geslaan en beroof is nie.

“Al wat ek onthou, is dat ek na my huis in Ferreira begin loop het nadat ek die geld getrek het. Later het ek in ’n yskoue waterstroom wakker geword.”

Hy sê hy het erge pyn gehad en sy klere en hande was vol bloed.

“Ek het uit die water opgestaan en in die koue oggendure na die naaste polisiekantoor by Central Park geloop, waar ek weer my bewussyn verloor het.

“Toe ek weer bykom, was die dokter in die Pelonomi-hospitaal besig om die wonde aan my kop met 12 steke te heg. Ek weet nie of die polisie my na die hospitaal gebring het en of ek per ambulans vervoer is nie.”

Van Eeden sê sy ma, Hester le Roux, is dieselfde oggend om 03:00 by die huis gebel om hom te kom haal.

“My ma was in daardie stadium baie bekommerd omdat ek nog nie tuis was nie.”

Van Eeden sê hy moet weer Dinsdag die dokter besoek om te kyk of daar permanente skade is weens die aanval.

Die voorval het gebeur kort voordat dr. Magteld Smith, verbonde aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se departement otorinolaringologie (oor-, neus- en keelkunde) Vrydag by Sewe Damme deur ’n man met ’n mes aangeval is toe sy met haar worshonde gaan stap het.


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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beaten Unconscious for Being White and Robbed !!!

"I am shocked and traumatized. But my eye began to open again....my body feels finally better and the headaches and nausea retreated, "said a resident of the Rose City at the end of the last week - a victim of a brutal "black on white" terror attack during which he was beaten unconscious and even robbed !!!

Story by 27 years old Gideon van Eeden...

The welder by profession, who have almost 32 km to work one way(each day)..... on Thursday night after withdrawing money from the ATM at the Shell gas station at the N8 entrance to the city, Gideon  was beaten with a blunt object in the head until he lost consciousness.... stolen were R1 500 in cash , his ID, bank card, and the cellular phone ....

"All I remember is that I started walking to my house in Ferreira. I woke up later in the cold stream. "

He said he had severe pain and his clothes and hands were covered in blood.

"I got up out of the water and walked into the cold morning to the nearest police station at Central Park, where I have again lost consciousness.

"I do not know if the police took me to the hospital and if I was transported by ambulance...When I gain back consciousness, the doctor was with me in the Pelonomi hospital to repair the wounds on my head with 12 stitches.  "

"My mother was very worried at the time because I had not been home."

As a result of this brutality, there could be permanent damages....

The incident happened shortly before Dr. Magteld Smith, of the University of the Free State (UFS) Department of otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose and throat medicine) was attacked on Friday at Seven Dams's location by a the black terrorist armed with knife during her dachshunds's walk.

Nog ’n Bloemfonteiner aangeval, beroof

“Ek is geskok en getraumatiseer. Maar my toegeswelde oog begin weer oopgaan, my lyf voel al beter en die hoofpyne en naarheid begin wyk,” sê ’n inwoner van die Rosestad, wat einde verlede week ook ’n slagoffer van ’n gru-aanval was waartydens hy bewusteloos geslaan en toe beroof is.

Hierna is Gideon van Eeden (27) in ’n yskoue waterstroom gelos.

Dié sweiser van beroep, wat elke dag bykans 32 km werk toe en terug loop, is Donderdagaand van agter aangeval nadat hy geld by die kitsbank by die Shell-vulstasie by die N8-ingang na die stad onttrek het. Hy is met ’n stomp voorwerp oor die kop geslaan totdat hy sy bewussyn verloor het, waarna hy van R1 500, sy identiteitsboek, bankkaart en selfoon beroof is.

Van Eeden kan nie presies onthou hoe lank dit was nadat hy die geld getrek het dat hy oor die kop geslaan en beroof is nie.

“Al wat ek onthou, is dat ek na my huis in Ferreira begin loop het nadat ek die geld getrek het. Later het ek in ’n yskoue waterstroom wakker geword.”

Hy sê hy het erge pyn gehad en sy klere en hande was vol bloed.

“Ek het uit die water opgestaan en in die koue oggendure na die naaste polisiekantoor by Central Park geloop, waar ek weer my bewussyn verloor het.

“Toe ek weer bykom, was die dokter in die Pelonomi-hospitaal besig om die wonde aan my kop met 12 steke te heg. Ek weet nie of die polisie my na die hospitaal gebring het en of ek per ambulans vervoer is nie.”

Van Eeden sê sy ma, Hester le Roux, is dieselfde oggend om 03:00 by die huis gebel om hom te kom haal.

“My ma was in daardie stadium baie bekommerd omdat ek nog nie tuis was nie.”

Van Eeden sê hy moet weer Dinsdag die dokter besoek om te kyk of daar permanente skade is weens die aanval.

Die voorval het gebeur kort voordat dr. Magteld Smith, verbonde aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se departement otorinolaringologie (oor-, neus- en keelkunde) Vrydag by Sewe Damme deur ’n man met ’n mes aangeval is toe sy met haar worshonde gaan stap het.


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