Thursday, July 14, 2016

Makhado Police Doesn't Know Anything About Death of What is Yet Another White Farmer(only 45 yo) That Took Place already 4 Days Ago....

The circumstances surrounding the death of the 45-year-old Mr. Tony Strydom remain puzzling, but only thanks to Makhado's police(spokesman Kedibone Mbatha) which is in no hurry to reveal the autopsy results and the same goes for clueless(lazy) newspaper of which link is listed bellow as a source of information !!! 

Ladies and gentleman, the assassination of Tony Strydom have taken place on 11 July of 2016 which is no less than 4 days ago and rumors how even his hands were decapitated from the body were not officially denied by Makhado's police....

Police are still awaiting the results of the autopsy at this time and the continuation of the investigation is taking is practically already buried(I believe that his funeral took place in 14th) and the police are still not capable to release any information about his autopsy... just unbelievable !!!


Warrant Officer Kedibone Mbatha have stated that it appears that Strydom was ambushed by an unknown person in the woods, and then overpowered. He have also stated that Tony did not have any bullet wounds on his body, but instead two names - one on his forehead and the other one on his chest. There was apparently no certainty about what the type of object was used to have names written on Tony's body.....Mbatha have also made statement that no firearm was missing from Tony.

Tony's body was discovered Saturday night in the field some distance from his home to the Ridgeway-plots (adjacent to Lion Street).

Strydom and his family lived in a rented house located on the property of Strydom's employer who was Mr. Johan Moolman Louis Trichardt. 

Strydom's two sons, Henry (23) and Peter (21), went on Saturday in a search for their missing father when it was already dark on what father's body was found...... Strydom apparently went target shooting with his gun at the plot's shooting range. 

Upon turning around father Strydom's body, the two young men realized that father was dead. Strydom's body was apparently not far from his truck...what the two man have seen remains secret thanks to unprofessional newspaper !!!

According to rumors(whose rumors !!? This newspaper makes me sick !!!) Strydom was shot in the back, and his arms were decapitated from the body. There was also this week other rumors(again whose rumors !!?) that he may have committed suicide or that his death was a shooting accident. The newspaper was told that nothing personal was was missing from his bakkie and that included Tony's gun.

The police's provincial communications office has also been approached to obtain more clarity on the matter. Provincial spokesman Lt-Col. Ronel Otto confirmed that the police does have a case of murder investigation...

Strydom was prior to his death, emplyed at Moolman Louis Trichardt. Strydom's wife, Rieta Strydom, resides already since 1983 at Louis Trichardt's farm. Strydom was born in Bethleheum on December 1, 1970. He and Rieta married in 2005.

Strydom is survived by Rieta and his two sons, Henry and Peter. A memorial service will be Thursday from Veritas Church.

Die omstandighede rondom die dood van die 45-jarige mnr. Tony Strydom bly raaiselagtig. Sy liggaam is Saterdagaand in die veld ‘n ent van sy huis af op die Ridgeway-plotte (aangrensend tot Leeustraat) ontdek.

Strydom en sy gesin woon in ‘n huurhuis wat geleë is op die eiendom van Strydom se werkgewer, mnr. Johan Moolman van Louis Trichardt. Strydom se twee seuns, Hendrik (23) en Pieter (21), het Saterdag glo na hulle pa gaan soek toe dit begin donker word en toe op sy lyk afgekom. Strydom sou glo gaan teikenskiet met sy vuurwapen op die plot se skietbaan. Die twee jong mans het Strydom omgedraai op sy rug, en gesien dat hy dood is. Strydom se liggaam was glo nie ver van sy bakkie af nie.

Die oorsaak van Strydom se dood is egter nog ‘n raaisel. Volgens gerugte is Strydom in die rug geskiet, en sy wapen word vermis. Daar was ook hierdie week ander gerugte dat hy moontlik selfmoord kon gepleeg het of dat sy dood ‘n skietongeluk was. Die koerant het betroubaar verneem dat sy vuurwapen vermis word, maar niks van sy persoonlike besittings uit sy bakkie nie.

Hieroor, en oor die presiese oorsaak van Strydom se dood, kon die Makhado Polisie by navraag nie kommentaar lewer nie. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder adjudant-offisier Kedibone Mbatha het gesê dit wil voorkom of Strydom deur ‘n onbekende persoon voorgelê is in die bos, en toe oorrompel is. Hy het verder gesê dat Strydom nie enige skietwonde aan sy liggaam gehad het nie, maar wel twee merke – een op sy voorkop en een op sy bors. Daar was blykbaar nog nie sekerheid oor die tipe voorwerp waarmee dit aangerig is nie.

Mbatha was nie bewus van enige vuurwapen wat vermis word en of dit wel deel vorm van die polisie se ondersoek nie.

Die polisie se provinsiale kommunikasiekantoor is ook genader om meer duidelikheid oor die saak te kry. Provinsiale woordvoerder lt-kol. Ronel Otto het bevestig dat die polisie wel ‘n saak van moord ondersoek.

Volgens Otto is daar wel ‘n klein merkie gekry op Strydom se rug, maar dat dit verder ondersoek moet word. Sy het verder bevestig dat die plaaslike ondersoekspan tans wag vir ‘n nadoodse ondersoek om afgehandel te word, wat dan ook meer antwoorde sal gee.

Otto kon nie met sekerheid bevestig of Strydom se wapen vermis word en of daar enige van sy persoonlike besittings is wat van hom of uit sy bakkie vermis word nie.

Strydom was, voor sy afsterwe, werksaam vir Moolman. Volgens Strydom se eggenote, Rieta, is hy sedert 1983 al woonagtig op Louis Trichardt. Strydom is op 1 Desember 1970 in Bethleheum gebore, voor hy later jare saam met sy pa na Louis Trichardt verhuis het en hulle saam vir jare ‘n saagmeule bestuur het. Hy en Rieta is getroud in 2005.

Strydom word oorleef deur Rieta en sy seuns, Hendrik en Pieter. ‘n Roudiens is Donderdag vanuit die Veritas Kerk in Louis Trichardt gehou vir Strydom.

Teen druktyd het die polisie nog gewag op die uitslag van die nadoodse ondersoek en het die ondersoek voortgeduur.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Makhado Police Doesn't Know Anything About Death of What is Yet Another White Farmer(only 45 yo) That Took Place already 4 Days Ago....

The circumstances surrounding the death of the 45-year-old Mr. Tony Strydom remain puzzling, but only thanks to Makhado's police(spokesman Kedibone Mbatha) which is in no hurry to reveal the autopsy results and the same goes for clueless(lazy) newspaper of which link is listed bellow as a source of information !!! 

Ladies and gentleman, the assassination of Tony Strydom have taken place on 11 July of 2016 which is no less than 4 days ago and rumors how even his hands were decapitated from the body were not officially denied by Makhado's police....

Police are still awaiting the results of the autopsy at this time and the continuation of the investigation is taking is practically already buried(I believe that his funeral took place in 14th) and the police are still not capable to release any information about his autopsy... just unbelievable !!!


Warrant Officer Kedibone Mbatha have stated that it appears that Strydom was ambushed by an unknown person in the woods, and then overpowered. He have also stated that Tony did not have any bullet wounds on his body, but instead two names - one on his forehead and the other one on his chest. There was apparently no certainty about what the type of object was used to have names written on Tony's body.....Mbatha have also made statement that no firearm was missing from Tony.

Tony's body was discovered Saturday night in the field some distance from his home to the Ridgeway-plots (adjacent to Lion Street).

Strydom and his family lived in a rented house located on the property of Strydom's employer who was Mr. Johan Moolman Louis Trichardt. 

Strydom's two sons, Henry (23) and Peter (21), went on Saturday in a search for their missing father when it was already dark on what father's body was found...... Strydom apparently went target shooting with his gun at the plot's shooting range. 

Upon turning around father Strydom's body, the two young men realized that father was dead. Strydom's body was apparently not far from his truck...what the two man have seen remains secret thanks to unprofessional newspaper !!!

According to rumors(whose rumors !!? This newspaper makes me sick !!!) Strydom was shot in the back, and his arms were decapitated from the body. There was also this week other rumors(again whose rumors !!?) that he may have committed suicide or that his death was a shooting accident. The newspaper was told that nothing personal was was missing from his bakkie and that included Tony's gun.

The police's provincial communications office has also been approached to obtain more clarity on the matter. Provincial spokesman Lt-Col. Ronel Otto confirmed that the police does have a case of murder investigation...

Strydom was prior to his death, emplyed at Moolman Louis Trichardt. Strydom's wife, Rieta Strydom, resides already since 1983 at Louis Trichardt's farm. Strydom was born in Bethleheum on December 1, 1970. He and Rieta married in 2005.

Strydom is survived by Rieta and his two sons, Henry and Peter. A memorial service will be Thursday from Veritas Church.

Die omstandighede rondom die dood van die 45-jarige mnr. Tony Strydom bly raaiselagtig. Sy liggaam is Saterdagaand in die veld ‘n ent van sy huis af op die Ridgeway-plotte (aangrensend tot Leeustraat) ontdek.

Strydom en sy gesin woon in ‘n huurhuis wat geleë is op die eiendom van Strydom se werkgewer, mnr. Johan Moolman van Louis Trichardt. Strydom se twee seuns, Hendrik (23) en Pieter (21), het Saterdag glo na hulle pa gaan soek toe dit begin donker word en toe op sy lyk afgekom. Strydom sou glo gaan teikenskiet met sy vuurwapen op die plot se skietbaan. Die twee jong mans het Strydom omgedraai op sy rug, en gesien dat hy dood is. Strydom se liggaam was glo nie ver van sy bakkie af nie.

Die oorsaak van Strydom se dood is egter nog ‘n raaisel. Volgens gerugte is Strydom in die rug geskiet, en sy wapen word vermis. Daar was ook hierdie week ander gerugte dat hy moontlik selfmoord kon gepleeg het of dat sy dood ‘n skietongeluk was. Die koerant het betroubaar verneem dat sy vuurwapen vermis word, maar niks van sy persoonlike besittings uit sy bakkie nie.

Hieroor, en oor die presiese oorsaak van Strydom se dood, kon die Makhado Polisie by navraag nie kommentaar lewer nie. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder adjudant-offisier Kedibone Mbatha het gesê dit wil voorkom of Strydom deur ‘n onbekende persoon voorgelê is in die bos, en toe oorrompel is. Hy het verder gesê dat Strydom nie enige skietwonde aan sy liggaam gehad het nie, maar wel twee merke – een op sy voorkop en een op sy bors. Daar was blykbaar nog nie sekerheid oor die tipe voorwerp waarmee dit aangerig is nie.

Mbatha was nie bewus van enige vuurwapen wat vermis word en of dit wel deel vorm van die polisie se ondersoek nie.

Die polisie se provinsiale kommunikasiekantoor is ook genader om meer duidelikheid oor die saak te kry. Provinsiale woordvoerder lt-kol. Ronel Otto het bevestig dat die polisie wel ‘n saak van moord ondersoek.

Volgens Otto is daar wel ‘n klein merkie gekry op Strydom se rug, maar dat dit verder ondersoek moet word. Sy het verder bevestig dat die plaaslike ondersoekspan tans wag vir ‘n nadoodse ondersoek om afgehandel te word, wat dan ook meer antwoorde sal gee.

Otto kon nie met sekerheid bevestig of Strydom se wapen vermis word en of daar enige van sy persoonlike besittings is wat van hom of uit sy bakkie vermis word nie.

Strydom was, voor sy afsterwe, werksaam vir Moolman. Volgens Strydom se eggenote, Rieta, is hy sedert 1983 al woonagtig op Louis Trichardt. Strydom is op 1 Desember 1970 in Bethleheum gebore, voor hy later jare saam met sy pa na Louis Trichardt verhuis het en hulle saam vir jare ‘n saagmeule bestuur het. Hy en Rieta is getroud in 2005.

Strydom word oorleef deur Rieta en sy seuns, Hendrik en Pieter. ‘n Roudiens is Donderdag vanuit die Veritas Kerk in Louis Trichardt gehou vir Strydom.

Teen druktyd het die polisie nog gewag op die uitslag van die nadoodse ondersoek en het die ondersoek voortgeduur.

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