Monday, July 25, 2016

White Mom That Have Killed Her Own 9 Years Old Daughter and Not Black Terrorists(aka burglars this time) !!? Really !!?

This story makes to me no sense whatsoever other than black South African regime constantly charges whites with homicides of their relatives even when those are obvious works of black terrorists !!! Black South African regime is doing everything possible to omit the truth from domestic and international pubic(they also use false death certificates, so news would not come out about murdered whites etc.) !!! Even if Soniya was in possession of marijuana, hat doesn't mean anything at all !!! How can one be arrested for murder if only in possession of marijuana !!? Burglary took place that was performed by black terrorists and it seems that so called "police" is not interested in one at all !!! This cases are unique to South Africa as we WHITES do not witness anything like it anywhere else in the world !!! No WHITE mother would strangle her daughter(child) because of being high....


Soniya Koekemoer (White female, 34) was arrested for the murder of her daughter Michelle (9) who was strangled by a rope in month of June.

Koekemoer appeared Monday in court of Vanderbijlpark.

She was arrested on June 10 upon informing the police about her daughter beening strangled.

Police found the marijuana that was in Soniya's possession when searching Periston's House apartment building....

Soniya apparently found the body of her redheaded girl in her bed.

Tewis Koekemoer, Michelle's father, said Monday Michelle was killed by a burglar.

"The murder happened during a burglary that went wrong," he said.

In Afrikaans:

Soniya Koekemoer (34) is in hegtenis geneem vir die moord op haar dogter Michelle (9) wat in Junie glo met ’n tou verwurg is.

Koekemoer verskyn Maandag in die landdroshof in Vanderbijlpark.

Sy is op 10 Junie in hegtenis geneem nadat sy die polisie laat weet het haar dogter is verwurg.

Die polisie het die Periston House-woonstelgebou gefynkam en glo op dagga afgekom wat in Soniya se besit was.

Die saak is op 13 Junie van die rol geskrap, maar landdros Buks du Plessis het haar ingelig dat die saak teen haar wel heropen kan word.

Soniya het glo op die lyk van haar rooikopdogter in haar bed afgekom.

’n Tou – waarmee sy na bewering verwurg is – was glo om Michelle se nek gebind. 

Volgens ao. Simon Mofokatsana, polisiewoordvoerder in Vanderbijlpark, het ­Soniya aan die polisie gesê sy het ook met ’n tou om haar nek wakker geword.

Tewis Koekemoer, Michelle se pa, het Maandag gesê ­Michelle is deur ’n inbreker vermoor.

“Die moord het gebeur tydens ’n inbraak wat skeefgeloop het,” sê hy.

Volgens hom het Soniya, sy eksvrou, aan hom gesê die inbreker het deur ’n oop venster by die woonstel ingekom.

“Soniya het waarskynlik wakker geword terwyl die diewe besig was om goedere in sakke te pak.

“Daar het oral sakke met goedere in die woonstel rondgestaan.”

Die diewe het sonder hul buit gevlug, sê hy.

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Monday, July 25, 2016

White Mom That Have Killed Her Own 9 Years Old Daughter and Not Black Terrorists(aka burglars this time) !!? Really !!?

This story makes to me no sense whatsoever other than black South African regime constantly charges whites with homicides of their relatives even when those are obvious works of black terrorists !!! Black South African regime is doing everything possible to omit the truth from domestic and international pubic(they also use false death certificates, so news would not come out about murdered whites etc.) !!! Even if Soniya was in possession of marijuana, hat doesn't mean anything at all !!! How can one be arrested for murder if only in possession of marijuana !!? Burglary took place that was performed by black terrorists and it seems that so called "police" is not interested in one at all !!! This cases are unique to South Africa as we WHITES do not witness anything like it anywhere else in the world !!! No WHITE mother would strangle her daughter(child) because of being high....


Soniya Koekemoer (White female, 34) was arrested for the murder of her daughter Michelle (9) who was strangled by a rope in month of June.

Koekemoer appeared Monday in court of Vanderbijlpark.

She was arrested on June 10 upon informing the police about her daughter beening strangled.

Police found the marijuana that was in Soniya's possession when searching Periston's House apartment building....

Soniya apparently found the body of her redheaded girl in her bed.

Tewis Koekemoer, Michelle's father, said Monday Michelle was killed by a burglar.

"The murder happened during a burglary that went wrong," he said.

In Afrikaans:

Soniya Koekemoer (34) is in hegtenis geneem vir die moord op haar dogter Michelle (9) wat in Junie glo met ’n tou verwurg is.

Koekemoer verskyn Maandag in die landdroshof in Vanderbijlpark.

Sy is op 10 Junie in hegtenis geneem nadat sy die polisie laat weet het haar dogter is verwurg.

Die polisie het die Periston House-woonstelgebou gefynkam en glo op dagga afgekom wat in Soniya se besit was.

Die saak is op 13 Junie van die rol geskrap, maar landdros Buks du Plessis het haar ingelig dat die saak teen haar wel heropen kan word.

Soniya het glo op die lyk van haar rooikopdogter in haar bed afgekom.

’n Tou – waarmee sy na bewering verwurg is – was glo om Michelle se nek gebind. 

Volgens ao. Simon Mofokatsana, polisiewoordvoerder in Vanderbijlpark, het ­Soniya aan die polisie gesê sy het ook met ’n tou om haar nek wakker geword.

Tewis Koekemoer, Michelle se pa, het Maandag gesê ­Michelle is deur ’n inbreker vermoor.

“Die moord het gebeur tydens ’n inbraak wat skeefgeloop het,” sê hy.

Volgens hom het Soniya, sy eksvrou, aan hom gesê die inbreker het deur ’n oop venster by die woonstel ingekom.

“Soniya het waarskynlik wakker geword terwyl die diewe besig was om goedere in sakke te pak.

“Daar het oral sakke met goedere in die woonstel rondgestaan.”

Die diewe het sonder hul buit gevlug, sê hy.

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