Is she white or not(I am 99% certain that she is), we will find out... as you know, criminally insane South African government and its free press do not disclose victim's racial identity or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that....
Five back terrorists were arrested after a 68-year-old woman from Dewetsdorp of the Free State is all about gang-raped and robbed.
Const. Peter Kareli police spokesman said Monday the incident occurred in Morojaneng last week.
"The victim slept in her house on Wednesday when the group between 20 and 21 years old, managed to break into her house" Kareli stated. "Two of the suspects assaulted the woman and raped first, while the rest of the group ransacked the house. All five suspects have raped the defenseless woman in turn.
In Afrikaans:
Vyf jong mans is in hegtenis geneem nadat ʼn 68-jarige vrou van Dewetsdorp in die Vrystaat al om die beurt verkrag en beroof is.
Konst. Peter Kareli, polisiewoordvoerder, het Maandag gesê die voorval het verlede week in Morojaneng plaasgevind.
“Die slagoffer het Woensdag in haar huis geslaap toe die groep, tussen 20 en 21 jaar oud, toegang tot die huis verkry het deur die deur oop te breek,” het Kareli gesê. “Twee van die verdagtes het die vrou aangerand en eerste verkrag, terwyl die res van die groep die huis geplunder het. Daar word beweer dat al vyf verdagtes die weerlose vrou al om die beurt verkrag het.”
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