Thursday, August 18, 2016

35 Years Old Stabbed to Death In-front of Her Wife..You Already Know Who, How, and Why.........

Were the two victims of black terrorism de facto white !!? I do think so !!! However, we may or we may never ever find out since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists and where criminally insane South African government as well as its “free press” still continue (despite previously mentioned facts) to deliberately decline disclosing victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that.... 

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man killed after he fled from robbers

A man was killed on Wednesday's night by black terrorists(aka "robbers") after they robbed him and his wife.

Lieutenant Colonel. Thulani Zwane, the police spokesman, have stated that the 35-year-old man and his wife were walking at approximately 19:00 hours on streets of Noordkusweg in Durban and the two black terrorists(aka "men") approached to afterwards claim their belongings.

According to Kyle van Reenen, spokesman for Marshall Security, husband escorted his wife to a bus stop. 

"One of the terrorists(aka "man") has stolen wife's handbag and have attempted to flee on what husband have followed him. Another terrorist(aka "robber"), however, have begun to chase husband and the three became involved in a fight in a nearby alley. Husband was repeatedly stabbed with a knife in the chest, "Van Reenen stated.

35 Years old husband died on scene due to heavy injuries prior to even paramedics' arrival. Van Reenen have stated that the woman was very traumatized after the incident and is receiving the counseling.

Zwane stated that the police are in a process of investigation.... a murder case was issued and no one was arrested at this point yet.


Man vermoor ná hy van rowers vlug

ʼn Man is Woensdagaand deur rowers vermoor nadat hulle hom en sy vrou beroof het.
Lt.kol. Thulani Zwane, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die 35-jarige man en sy vrou het omstreeks 19:00 in Noordkusweg in Durban gestap toe twee mans hulle genader en hul besittings geëis het.

Volgens Kyle van Reenen, woordvoerder vir Marshall Security, het die man saam met sy vrou na ‘n busstop gestap. “Die man het met sy vrou se handsak probeer vlug in ʼn poging om te verhoed dat hul besittings gesteel word. Die rowers het hom egter agternagesit en die drie het in ʼn geveg betrokke geraak in ʼn nabygeleë stegie. Die man is verskeie kere met ʼn mes in die bors gesteek,” het Van Reenen gesê.

Die man het met paramedici se aankoms op die toneel reeds aan sy beserings beswyk. Van Reenen het gesê die vrou was erg getraumatiseerd na die voorval en het berading ontvang.

Volgens Zwane ondersoek die polisie ʼn saak van moord en is niemand teen Donderdagoggend nog in hegtenis geneem nie.


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Thursday, August 18, 2016

35 Years Old Stabbed to Death In-front of Her Wife..You Already Know Who, How, and Why.........

Were the two victims of black terrorism de facto white !!? I do think so !!! However, we may or we may never ever find out since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists and where criminally insane South African government as well as its “free press” still continue (despite previously mentioned facts) to deliberately decline disclosing victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that.... 

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man killed after he fled from robbers

A man was killed on Wednesday's night by black terrorists(aka "robbers") after they robbed him and his wife.

Lieutenant Colonel. Thulani Zwane, the police spokesman, have stated that the 35-year-old man and his wife were walking at approximately 19:00 hours on streets of Noordkusweg in Durban and the two black terrorists(aka "men") approached to afterwards claim their belongings.

According to Kyle van Reenen, spokesman for Marshall Security, husband escorted his wife to a bus stop. 

"One of the terrorists(aka "man") has stolen wife's handbag and have attempted to flee on what husband have followed him. Another terrorist(aka "robber"), however, have begun to chase husband and the three became involved in a fight in a nearby alley. Husband was repeatedly stabbed with a knife in the chest, "Van Reenen stated.

35 Years old husband died on scene due to heavy injuries prior to even paramedics' arrival. Van Reenen have stated that the woman was very traumatized after the incident and is receiving the counseling.

Zwane stated that the police are in a process of investigation.... a murder case was issued and no one was arrested at this point yet.


Man vermoor ná hy van rowers vlug

ʼn Man is Woensdagaand deur rowers vermoor nadat hulle hom en sy vrou beroof het.
Lt.kol. Thulani Zwane, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die 35-jarige man en sy vrou het omstreeks 19:00 in Noordkusweg in Durban gestap toe twee mans hulle genader en hul besittings geëis het.

Volgens Kyle van Reenen, woordvoerder vir Marshall Security, het die man saam met sy vrou na ‘n busstop gestap. “Die man het met sy vrou se handsak probeer vlug in ʼn poging om te verhoed dat hul besittings gesteel word. Die rowers het hom egter agternagesit en die drie het in ʼn geveg betrokke geraak in ʼn nabygeleë stegie. Die man is verskeie kere met ʼn mes in die bors gesteek,” het Van Reenen gesê.

Die man het met paramedici se aankoms op die toneel reeds aan sy beserings beswyk. Van Reenen het gesê die vrou was erg getraumatiseerd na die voorval en het berading ontvang.

Volgens Zwane ondersoek die polisie ʼn saak van moord en is niemand teen Donderdagoggend nog in hegtenis geneem nie.


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