Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Black Terrorists No Different From Hyenas...Roelof Botes (68)'s Stomach Was Cut Open on Friday at Approximately 2000 Hours When on His Own Backyard...

Used only for demonstration purposes - not the real photo of the incident...

What else do black terrorists have in common with hyenas !!? Like scavengers, they are constantly on a lookout for easy pray...injured or people in need of assistance(people stranded on the road) are on their constant scan list...elderly, children, women, defenseless....it is what they prefer and so do hyenas....

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man dies after black terrorists(aka "VDP thieves") have ripped his stomach...

Tributes flow in social media after a man from Vanderbijlpark, who was stabbed with a sharp object during a robbery, was found dead.

Three black terrorists(aka "suspected robbers") have cut open Roelof Botes(68)'s stomach on Friday at 2000 hours in his own house backyard located in Bonnane....

His wife (50) and their small child were both in the house at the time of the incident. She, however, did not see what just happened outside.

According to Sgt. Gertrude Makhale, the terrorists(aka "suspects") have entered the house. They tied up woman and her grandchild on what they devoured the dinner that had been prepared....

Makhale said Botes had multiple stab wounds.

"A sharp object was used to stab him. He was wounded in his stomach, chest and shoulder, " said Makhale.

The suspects fled crime scene with the family car and household items....

Police did not immediately release the victims' names. A case of murder and house robbery is under the investigation.

No one has been arrested.


Man Vdp sterf nadat rowers sy maag oopgesny het

Huldeblyke stroom in op sosiale media nadat ’n man van Vanderbijlpark, wat tydens ’n rooftog met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek is, dood aangetref is.

Drie vermeende rowers het Roelof Botes (68) Vrydag omstreeks 20:00 in die agterplaas van sy huis in Bonanne oorval en sy maag oopgesny.

Sy vrou (50) en hul kleinkind was in die huis. Sy het nie gesien wat buite gebeur het nie.

Volgens sers. Gertrude Makhale, polisiewoordvoerder, het die verdagtes die huis binnegegaan. Hulle het die vrou en haar kleinkind vasgebind en aangerand en die aandete wat reeds voorberei was, opgeëet.

Makhale sê Botes het verskeie steekwonde gehad.

“ ’n Skerp voorwerp is gebruik om hom te steek. Hy is in sy maag, bors en skouer gewond,” sê Makhale.

Die verdagtes het met die gesin se motor en huishoudelike items van die toneel gevlug.

Die polisie wou nie onmiddellik die slagoffers se name bekend maak nie. ’n Saak van moord en huisroof word ondersoek.

Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie.



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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Black Terrorists No Different From Hyenas...Roelof Botes (68)'s Stomach Was Cut Open on Friday at Approximately 2000 Hours When on His Own Backyard...

Used only for demonstration purposes - not the real photo of the incident...

What else do black terrorists have in common with hyenas !!? Like scavengers, they are constantly on a lookout for easy pray...injured or people in need of assistance(people stranded on the road) are on their constant scan list...elderly, children, women, defenseless....it is what they prefer and so do hyenas....

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man dies after black terrorists(aka "VDP thieves") have ripped his stomach...

Tributes flow in social media after a man from Vanderbijlpark, who was stabbed with a sharp object during a robbery, was found dead.

Three black terrorists(aka "suspected robbers") have cut open Roelof Botes(68)'s stomach on Friday at 2000 hours in his own house backyard located in Bonnane....

His wife (50) and their small child were both in the house at the time of the incident. She, however, did not see what just happened outside.

According to Sgt. Gertrude Makhale, the terrorists(aka "suspects") have entered the house. They tied up woman and her grandchild on what they devoured the dinner that had been prepared....

Makhale said Botes had multiple stab wounds.

"A sharp object was used to stab him. He was wounded in his stomach, chest and shoulder, " said Makhale.

The suspects fled crime scene with the family car and household items....

Police did not immediately release the victims' names. A case of murder and house robbery is under the investigation.

No one has been arrested.


Man Vdp sterf nadat rowers sy maag oopgesny het

Huldeblyke stroom in op sosiale media nadat ’n man van Vanderbijlpark, wat tydens ’n rooftog met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek is, dood aangetref is.

Drie vermeende rowers het Roelof Botes (68) Vrydag omstreeks 20:00 in die agterplaas van sy huis in Bonanne oorval en sy maag oopgesny.

Sy vrou (50) en hul kleinkind was in die huis. Sy het nie gesien wat buite gebeur het nie.

Volgens sers. Gertrude Makhale, polisiewoordvoerder, het die verdagtes die huis binnegegaan. Hulle het die vrou en haar kleinkind vasgebind en aangerand en die aandete wat reeds voorberei was, opgeëet.

Makhale sê Botes het verskeie steekwonde gehad.

“ ’n Skerp voorwerp is gebruik om hom te steek. Hy is in sy maag, bors en skouer gewond,” sê Makhale.

Die verdagtes het met die gesin se motor en huishoudelike items van die toneel gevlug.

Die polisie wou nie onmiddellik die slagoffers se name bekend maak nie. ’n Saak van moord en huisroof word ondersoek.

Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie.



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