---Murder and mob justice mayhem
---Petrol attendant seriously injured during armed robbery in Boksburg
---Man shot dead in Madras road
---Cinderella's hitchhiking from Secunda to Mbuzini ended with rape....
---14 and 16 years old was raped, strangled to death, and then dicthed naked....
---Human skeletons buried in the back yards...
---Beheaded woman discovered on Saturday.
---Bus set alight and cop shot in the mouths !!!
---Black terrorists continue to chop Indian female in her own home after one was already dead......
---Boy, 6, dies protecting mom from black terrorust(aka "attacker").
---4 murdered in execution-style attack
---5 correctional officers stabbed in Johannesburg
---Durban Woman hammered to death
The situation in South Africa became perfect across the night(PERFECTO)......since new year 2016 started, there is almost no crime to report and everything is wonderful now(main stream media doesn't report much on crime even that country is utterly on fire these days - lt was much different last year when crime was reported to the public !!!)....
At least this is what criminally insane South African government and police would want us to pursue the rainbow nation as.... but what is the reality !!?
THE SITUATION IS MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN WHAT YOU SEE HERE..... I BELIEVE THAT MOST(most) OF THE CRIME GOES THESE DAYS(specially) DELIBERATELY UNSEEN(unreported) IN SOUTH AFRICA(crime capital of the world) PER SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT(orders to police and main stream media - either report crime as properly handled or do not report one at all) !!!
Reference to http://www.whitenationnetwork. com/paper/?p=43776
South Africa is One Of The Most Corrupt, Violent And Murderous Unsafe Countries In The World
ps. The numbers have come out suggesting how over 55 people are violently murdered per day in South Africa(government claims 50 which is already astronomically high) and State-owned SABC(South African Broadcasting) have banned broadcasting of violent protests throughout the country http://southafricatoday.net/so uth-africa-news/state-owned-sa bc-bans-broadcast-of-violent- protests/ for entire two months(court interdict finally topped this lunacy)....SOUTH AFRICA = REAL BLACK DICTATORIAL ORWELLIAN(Soviet) STATE WHERE OUR WHITE PEOPLE(white minority) ARE NOTHING MORE THAN HOSTAGES !!!
Beside physical white genocide(slaughtering) that is taking place against our white people, a white citizen by the name Penny Sparrow was recently charged $10.000 USD penalty for incident that involved her use of words I cite, "These monkeys" and black South African government have atop of that stolen $7.000 USD from her saving account(everything)...she was left jobless and homeless in fear for her life and on mercy of black rapists and killers who have delivered her life threats daily to her door steps(no protection was ever offered to her by government who have in fact incited in her death via main stream media) !!! All this while top black South African officials(regular terrorists who have incited in over 90.000 deaths of our white people) such as president Zuma or Malema are openly singing(inciting) in white genocide as seen here = https://youtu.be/6fzRSE_p1Ys AND https://youtu.be/qm9nUhTFYfM !!!
Black South African government refers to its slaughtering and terrorism against whites a "constitutional democracy" !!!
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