Sunday, August 14, 2016

Black Terrorists Have Attempted to Rape What Appears to Be Yet Another White Woman After Having Her Husband Stabbed And Tied Up...

Were the two victims of black terrorism de facto white !!? I do think so !!! However, we may or we may never find out since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists, but criminally insane South African government and its free press deliberately decline to disclose victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that.... see the racial composition of the area which I have provided for you for more details on likeliness of the crime against whites.... 

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man stabbed with screwdriver, woman fights back....

A woman from Garsfontein in Pretoria fought back after the two black terrorists(aka "attackers") have attempted to rape her. Prior to rape attempt, her husband was stabbed with screwdriver and tied up.

The terrorists(aka "robbers") came in the residence right through the back door on Friday evening at 20:10 hours as woman opened the door for the pets, have stated Capt. Jan Sepato(a police spokesman).

The couple are both in their fifties....

The robbers demanded safe keys and the money.

"Husband was immediately attacked with a screwdriver, tied up, and they attempted to rape the woman. Struggle broke out between the woman and terrorists(aka "robbers")and they did not succeed, "Sepato stated.
Screwdriver stabbings can be as dangerous as knife attacks or even more !!!

They were left with only two cell phones.

According to neighbors who do not want their names mentioned, the house alarm went off after the robbers left the house. "We suspect that the robbers were up to 40 minutes working inside of the house."

According to a neighbor, the husband was tied so tightly that his fingers began to turn blue....

The couple was taken to the hospital.

Sepato stated that the terrorists(aka "thieves") have cut the way through fence.

Neighbors say they feel vulnerable because their plots border to Solomon Mahlangurylaan's wall. "Anyone can jump over the wall."

Anyone with information on the incident is encouraged to call nearest police station:


Man met skroewedraaier gesteek, vrou veg terug

’n Vrou van Garsfontein in Pretoria het verbete teruggeveg toe twee aanvallers haar wou verkrag nadat hulle haar man styf vasgebind het.

Hy is met ’n skroewedraaier gesteek.

Die rowers het ingekom toe die vrou Vrydag 20:10 die agterdeur vir hul troeteldiere oopmaak, sê kapt. Jan Sepato, polisiewoordvoerder.

Die egpaar is albei iets in die 50.

Die rowers wou kluissleutels en geld hê.

“Die man is met ’n skroewedraaier aangeval en hulle het die vrou probeer verkrag. Daar het ’n worsteling uitgebreek en die rowers het nie daarin geslaag nie,” sê Sepato.

Hulle is toe weg met net twee selfone.

Volgens bure wat nie hul name genoem wil hê nie, het die huis se alarm eers afgegaan toe die rowers uit die huis is. “Ons vermoed die rowers was tot 40 minute lank in die huis besig.”

Volgens een buurman was die man so styf vasgebind dat sy vingers begin blou word het.

Die egpaar is hospitaal toe geneem.

Sepato sê die rowers het die heining geknip.

Bure sê hulle voel weerloos omdat hul erwe aan Solomon Mahlangurylaan grens. “Enige persoon kan oor die muur spring.” 


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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Black Terrorists Have Attempted to Rape What Appears to Be Yet Another White Woman After Having Her Husband Stabbed And Tied Up...

Were the two victims of black terrorism de facto white !!? I do think so !!! However, we may or we may never find out since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists, but criminally insane South African government and its free press deliberately decline to disclose victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that.... see the racial composition of the area which I have provided for you for more details on likeliness of the crime against whites.... 

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

Man stabbed with screwdriver, woman fights back....

A woman from Garsfontein in Pretoria fought back after the two black terrorists(aka "attackers") have attempted to rape her. Prior to rape attempt, her husband was stabbed with screwdriver and tied up.

The terrorists(aka "robbers") came in the residence right through the back door on Friday evening at 20:10 hours as woman opened the door for the pets, have stated Capt. Jan Sepato(a police spokesman).

The couple are both in their fifties....

The robbers demanded safe keys and the money.

"Husband was immediately attacked with a screwdriver, tied up, and they attempted to rape the woman. Struggle broke out between the woman and terrorists(aka "robbers")and they did not succeed, "Sepato stated.
Screwdriver stabbings can be as dangerous as knife attacks or even more !!!

They were left with only two cell phones.

According to neighbors who do not want their names mentioned, the house alarm went off after the robbers left the house. "We suspect that the robbers were up to 40 minutes working inside of the house."

According to a neighbor, the husband was tied so tightly that his fingers began to turn blue....

The couple was taken to the hospital.

Sepato stated that the terrorists(aka "thieves") have cut the way through fence.

Neighbors say they feel vulnerable because their plots border to Solomon Mahlangurylaan's wall. "Anyone can jump over the wall."

Anyone with information on the incident is encouraged to call nearest police station:


Man met skroewedraaier gesteek, vrou veg terug

’n Vrou van Garsfontein in Pretoria het verbete teruggeveg toe twee aanvallers haar wou verkrag nadat hulle haar man styf vasgebind het.

Hy is met ’n skroewedraaier gesteek.

Die rowers het ingekom toe die vrou Vrydag 20:10 die agterdeur vir hul troeteldiere oopmaak, sê kapt. Jan Sepato, polisiewoordvoerder.

Die egpaar is albei iets in die 50.

Die rowers wou kluissleutels en geld hê.

“Die man is met ’n skroewedraaier aangeval en hulle het die vrou probeer verkrag. Daar het ’n worsteling uitgebreek en die rowers het nie daarin geslaag nie,” sê Sepato.

Hulle is toe weg met net twee selfone.

Volgens bure wat nie hul name genoem wil hê nie, het die huis se alarm eers afgegaan toe die rowers uit die huis is. “Ons vermoed die rowers was tot 40 minute lank in die huis besig.”

Volgens een buurman was die man so styf vasgebind dat sy vingers begin blou word het.

Die egpaar is hospitaal toe geneem.

Sepato sê die rowers het die heining geknip.

Bure sê hulle voel weerloos omdat hul erwe aan Solomon Mahlangurylaan grens. “Enige persoon kan oor die muur spring.” 


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