Was the victim of black terrorism de facto white !!? I do think so !!! However, we may or we may never ever find out since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists and where criminally insane South African government as well as its “free press” still continue (despite previously mentioned facts) to deliberately decline disclosing victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that....
Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Gospel singer kidnapped in Bloemfontein
A gospel singer was hijacked on Monday in Bloemfontein and right on the gym's parking lot..she was abducted shortly after she left the gym.
The 46-year-old singer walked into the gym at about 1100 hours and has just opened her car door when a black terrorists(aka "man") begun to threatened her with a gun.
Police capt. Chaka Marope, have stated that the terrorist(aka"man") forced woman into the car's passenger seat. He demanded R5 000($373 USD).
Woman told him that she doesn't have that amount of money and the terrorist(aka "man") forced her into the terror to ride to the Kenworth Spar in Rocklands in the city. Close to the Rocklands, the hijacker stopped along the way and have tied he her hands with cables...he also forced her to lay down on the back seat.
"During this terror ride, terrorist(aka "man") have had the conversation with his terror buddy via cell phone. He parked in an open field at the Spar.
He ordered hijacked victim to keep her mouths shut or he would kill her...
Capt. Chaka Marope have stated I cite, "He told the woman not to cry because he was going to shoot her. The suspect took the woman's bank card and PIN code and have gave the two to his buddy, "...
The villain took the woman's two cell phones and fled.
When she felt safe enough, she climbed out of the car and have asked bystanders for help. They have untied her hands and called the police.
According Marope, the woman was not injured, but she was shocked. Charges of kidnapping and robbery are under the investigation. No one has been arrested so far...
Gospelsangeres in Rosestad ontvoer
’n Gospelsangeres van Bloemfontein is Maandagoggend in die parkeerterrein van ’n gimnasium gekaap en ontvoer kort nadat sy die gimnasium by die skouterrein in die stad verlaat het.
Die 46-jarige sangeres het omstreeks 11:00 uit die gimnasium gestap en het pas haar motordeur oopgesluit toe ’n man haar nader en met ’n vuurwapen dreig.
Kapt. Chaka Marope, polisiewoordvoerder, sê die man het die vrou in die motor gedwing en aan die passasierskant ingeklim. Hy het R5 000 geëis.
Die vrou het gesê sy het nie soveel geld nie, waarna die man haar na die Kenworth Spar in Rocklands in die stad laat ry het. Op pad na Rocklands het die kaper die vrou langs die pad laat stilhou, waarna hy haar hande met kabelbinders vasgemaak en haar op die agterste sitplek laat lê het.
“Die hele pad het die man met ’n makker oor sy selfoon gepraat en gesê waar hy hulle moet kry. By die Spar het hy op ’n oop stuk grond geparkeer.
Kapt. Chaka Marope “Hy het vir die vrou gesê om nie te skreeu nie, want dan gaan hy haar skiet. Die verdagte het die vrou se bankkaart en PIN-kode gevat en dit vir sy makker gegee,” sê Marope.
Die booswig het die vrou se twee selfone gevat en weggehardloop.
Toe sy dink dit is veilig, het sy uit die motor geklim en omstanders om hulp gevra. Die mense het haar hande losgemaak en die polisie gebel.
Volgens Marope is die vrou nie beseer nie, maar is sy erg geskok. Klagte van ontvoering en roof word ondersoek. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie.
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