Here is the reason for my thesis that it was a white family executed since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists, but criminally insane South African government and its free press deliberately decline to disclose victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!!
Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Four family members were assassinated on Saturday by black terrorists in their own home located in Lawley, south of Johannesburg(the owner (47) of the house and the father of the family is alive in this moment, but in a critical condition at the hospital).
A group of five black terrorists(aka "gang members"), the owner (47) of the house and the father of the family Saturday night at 20:00 attacked outside the house and shot him.
Captain. Mavela Masondo, Gauteng provincial police spokesman, have stated that the man was just left out there in a pool of blood white the terrorists(aka "men") proceeded into the house.
"They came down on the rest of the family members and killed them all. They shot all four family members in upper part of their bodies. All four were pronounced dead at the scene, "Masondo stated.
Owner's wife (40), her son (21), daughter (19), and another daughter (19) were all killed.
Homeowner was after the incident rushed to the hospital for treatment.
Police is investigating four cases of murder and one case of attempted murder.
All five suspects have been identified, but the police is still in the search.
Police is appealing to anybody who may know something additional about this incident to please contact them and provide any information that you may have....
Bendelede vermoor vier gesinslede in huis
Vier gesinslede is Saterdagaand in hul huis in Lawley in die suide van Johannesburg vermoor en een is in ’n kritieke toestand in die hospitaal.
’n Groep van vyf bendelede het die eienaar (47) van die huis en die pa van die gesin Saterdagaand omstreeks 20:00 buite die huis oorval en hom geskiet.
Volgens kapt. Mavela Masondo, Gautengse provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, het hulle die man net daar gelos toe hy ineenstort en die huis binnegegaan.
“Die mans het toe op die res van die gesinslede afgekom en hulle almal doodgeskiet. Hulle het die gesinslede in die boonste deel van hul lywe geskiet. Hulle is op die toneel dood verklaar,” sê Masondo.
Dit is die eienaar se vrou (40), haar seun (21) en dogter (19) en haar skoondogter (19) wat doodgeskiet is.
Die man is ná die voorval na die hospitaal geneem vir behandeling.
Die polisie ondersoek tans vier sake van moord en een van poging tot moord.
Vyf verdagtes is geïdentifiseer en die polisie is nog besig met die soektog.
Die polisie doen ’n beroep op enigeen wat moontlik iets van die saak weet, om hulle by die polisie aan te meld.
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