Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
The black criminals(aka students) involved in the burning of the Sanlam Auditorium of the University of Johannesburg (UJ) were apparently identified.
In a statement on Friday‚ UJ said the venues – including the torched Sanlam Auditorium – destroyed on May 16 - have been restored and they opened for teaching again on Monday this week.
The university praised the “South African Police Services‚ the Special Investigation Unit‚ and forensic investigators appointed by the university’s insurers” for identifying the perpetrators of this “heinous act”‚ and said it would “now embark on disciplinary action against the students who were identified”.
“In light of the extremely serious nature of the incident‚ the university does not consider it appropriate to delay the disciplinary proceedings pending conclusion of criminal proceedings‚ which may only commence sometime in the future‚” said the statement.
“It is also not in the interests of the university and its stakeholders to permit these students to remain on campus in anticipation of criminal proceedings.”
The university praised the “South African Police Services‚ the Special Investigation Unit‚ and forensic investigators appointed by the university’s insurers” for identifying the perpetrators of this “heinous act”‚ and said it would “now embark on disciplinary action against the students who were identified”.
“In light of the extremely serious nature of the incident‚ the university does not consider it appropriate to delay the disciplinary proceedings pending conclusion of criminal proceedings‚ which may only commence sometime in the future‚” said the statement.
“It is also not in the interests of the university and its stakeholders to permit these students to remain on campus in anticipation of criminal proceedings.”
This comes after the university's Sanlam Auditorium in May was destroyed in a fire. Netwerk24 earlier reported that it was due to arson that "chemically aided."(Really !!? What about other schools and universities such as the one of Stellenbosch !!? Who burned that one !!?) !!!
A small group of students were believed responsible and their motives are still unclear(are you serious !!? Unclear !!? What do you mean by that !!? It is obvious that motive is clear !!! Did you know that 99% of taxes that are collected from taxpayers in South Africa come out of white taxpayers's pockets !!?).
A week before the UJ auditorium was burned(incinerated), a burning petrol was extinguished by security guards in one of the a classrooms !!!
Die studente wat by die afbrand van die Sanlam-ouditorium van die Universiteit van Johannesburg (UJ) betrokke was, is glo geïdentifiseer.
Volgens Herman Esterhuizen, UJ-woordvoerder, gaan die universiteit dissiplinêre stappe teen die studente doen.
“Weens die ernstige aard van die oortreding gaan die universiteit nie wag om met dissiplinêre aksie te begin hangende die afhandeling van strafregtelike prosedures nie,” sê Esterhuizen in ’n verklaring.
Dit volg nadat die universiteit se Sanlam-ouditorium in Mei vanjaar in ’n brand verwoes is. Netwerk24 het vroeër berig dit was weens brandstigting wat “chemies aangehelp is”.
’n Klein groepie studente was glo verantwoordelik en hul motiewe is nog duister.
’n Week voordat die UJ-ouditorium afgebrand is, is ’n brandende petrolbom deur veiligheidswagte in ’n klaskamer geblus.
“Die universiteit is bewus van sy verantwoordelikheid om nie die staat se strafregtelike saak te benadeel nie en daarom gaan hy versigtig wees om nie fynere besonderhede oor die bewyse bekend te maak nie,” lui die verklaring.
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