Edited and translated by Bastian Auser:
Verulam farm attack left trail of blood behind...
Elderly white couple was on Wednesday's early hours attacked on a farm located in KwaZulu-Natal. The elderly farmer was stabbed with a spear and his wife raped.
Prem Balram, director of the security company Reaction Unit South Africa, told Marula Media that security officers were at 0258 hours dispatched to the farm in the Oakford area, north of Verulam...
"The house was covered in blood. The couple, both in their 70s, have however managed to break away from black terrorist(aka "man") armed with spear.. "Balram stated...
The terrorist(aka "attacker"), have stabbed elderly farmer with spear and as he demanded valuables. "The woman was then then dragged into a wooded area, where the terrorists(aka "he") raped her. The woman recognized the attacker as someone who lives in the area. She managed to escape and ran to the neighbors for help. "
The neighbors Reaction Unit South Africa was called. The suspect fled and is still at large.
The couple was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. According to Balram, both victims are in a stable condition.
Marula Media approached the provincial police for comment and are awaiting feedback.
Verulam-plaasaanval laat bloedspoor
ʼn Bejaarde egpaar is Woensdag in die vroeë oggendure op ʼn plaas in KwaZulu-Natal aangeval. Die man is met ʼn spies gesteek en die vrou is glo verkrag.
Prem Balram, direkteur van die veiligheidsmaatskappy Reaction Unit South Africa, het aan Maroela Media gesê veiligheidsbeamptes is omstreeks 02:58 na die plaas in die Oakford-omgewing, noord van Verulam, ontbied.
“Die huis was met bloed besmeer. ʼn Man, wat met ʼn spies gewapen was, het die egpaar, wat albei in hul 70’s is, se deur oopgebreek,” het Balram gesê.
Die aanvaller het die man met die spies gesteek terwyl hy op waardevolle items aangedring het. “Hy het die vrou daarna na ʼn bos gesleep, waar hy haar glo verkrag het. Die vrou het die aanvaller herken as iemand wat in die omgewing woon. Sy kon daarin slaag om te ontsnap en het na die bure gehardloop vir hulp.”
Die bure het Reaction Unit South Africa ontbied. Die verdagte het gevlug en is steeds soek.
Die egpaar is na ʼn nabygeleë hospitaal geneem vir behandeling. Volgens Balram is albei slagoffers in ʼn stabiele toestand.
Maroela Media het die provinsiale polisie vir kommentaar genader en wag nog vir terugvoer.
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