Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Two were attacked on smallholdings in Gauteng...
Two men were critically injured on Friday in two separate attacks on smallholdings in Gauteng.
Chris Botha, spokesperson for Netcare 911, have stated that paramedics arrived at about 21:37 hours on smallholding in Chartwell, Randburg, after being called.
Botha said a 55-year-old man was critically injured and paramedics have managed to stabilize him before taking him to nearby hospital by helicopter.
Paramedics from Netcare 911 were also called for help on called Friday at about 23:16 hours on smallholding in Paardekraal, Krugersdorp. Botha have stated that a 49-year-old man was rushed by a private vehicle to a nearby hospital, although paramedics met them on their way.
"Paramedics treated the critically injured man and one taken to a nearby hospital for further medical care."
Were this two victims white or not(I believe they are), we may find out... as you know, criminally insane South African government and its free press do not disclose victim's racial identity or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that....
Twee op kleinhoewes in Gauteng aangeval
Twee mans is Vrydagaand kritiek beseer in twee afsonderlike aanvalle op kleinhoewes in Gauteng.
Chris Botha, woordvoerder van Netcare 911, het gesê paramedici is omstreeks 21:37 na ʼn kleinhoewe in Chartwell, Randburg, ontbied.
Volgens Botha is ʼn 55-jarige man kritiek beseer en het paramedici die man gestabiliseer voor hy per helikopter na ʼn nabygeleë hospitaal geneem is. Maroela Media het die polisie om kommentaar genader en wag vir terugvoer.
Paramedici van Netcare 911 is intussen ook Vrydagaand omstreeks 23:16 na ʼn kleinhoewe in Paardekraal, Krugersdorp, ontbied. Volgens Botha is ʼn 49-jarige man met ʼn private voertuig na ʼn nabygeleë hospitaal gehaas, hoewel paramedici hulle op pad teëgekom het.
“Paramedici het die kritiek beseerde man behandel en na ʼn nabygeleë hospitaal vir verdere mediese sorg geneem.” Maroela Media het die polisie ook in dié geval vir kommentaar genader en wag vir terugvoer.
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