Friday, August 5, 2016

47 Years Old White Woman Strangled to Death With Bare Hands....You Already Know Who, How, and Even Why(I will give you a tip)...

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

What have most likely happened !!? Either she refused to black room service attendant(or cleaner or whatever) a sexual intercourse or she accidentally ended up surprising black terrorists during room robbery...could there be other options !!? Yes, but not many !!! According to international crime statistics when crimes like this play, this are most frequent death scenarios for our white people when vacationing abroad(keep in mind that in South Africa, whites are the minority)....

An autopsy of the businessman's wife  killed on the Spier Estate near Stellenbosch, have revealed that she was strangled to death with bare hands !!!

The body of Susan Rohde (47), wife of Jason Rohde, CEO of Sotheby's International Realty, was found in their hotel room on Sunday 24 July !!!

The murder was committed during the weekend of Sotheby's annual conference.

The case is still under investigation and no one was arrested.

Sotheby's International Realty South Africa, have also confirmed on Friday the death of Rohde's wife and shave stated that the situation is under the investigation.

Jason Rohde was on leave and the company expressed condolences in a statement  to him and his family.

Netwerk24 obtained the information about Rohde's body bing hung on electrical cords in the bathroom of their hotel room.

Idiotic South African police have assumed(they always do that with white people or if only possible to spare black South African regime from public lynching - the investigation was done by totally incompetent people so far and Mr. Rohde should look into hiring a personal detective/investigator) initially that she took her own life, but the autopsy did confirmed that someone strangled her with bare hands.

Joep Schoof, manager of the Spier Hotel, on Friday said that the administration is assisting police in their investigation. "We can not make any further comment because it is a police investigation."

Her maiden name was Holmes and the notice of her death is also posted on the Facebook's group "High School Bryanston in Johannesburg's class of 1986".

Susan Rohde's last entry on Facebook was on July 21, where she took a picture of Babylonstoren.

Jason Rohde has been appointed as chief executive of Sotheby's International Realty in South Africa in 2010.

According to Sotheby's website he is a successful businessman and real estate specialist with 14 years' of experience in various transactions.

The family moved to Perth's Australia in the early 1990s and returned in 1997 to South Africa, on what  Rhodes quickly excelled as one of Johannesburg's top property consultants.


Vrou by Spier ‘met kaal hande verwurg

’n Lykskouing op die vrou van ’n bekende sakeman wat vermoedelik op die Spier-landgoed buite Stellenbosch vermoor is, het glo aan die lig gebring dat sy met die kaal hande verwurg is.

Die lyk van Susan Rohde (47), vrou van Jason Rohde, uitvoerende hoof van Sotheby’s International Realty, is op Sondag 24 Julie in hul hotelkamer gevind.

Die moord is op die naweek van Sotheby’s se jaarlikse konferensie op Spier gepleeg.

Aanvanklik het die polisie ’n dossier vir ’n geregtelike doodsondersoek geopen, maar dit is Donderdag in ’n moordondersoek verander nadat die lykskouing afgehandel is, het kapt. Frederick van Wyk, ’n provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, bevestig.

Die saak word nog ondersoek en niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie.

Sotheby’s International Realty Suid-Afrika het ook Vrydag die dood van Rohde se vrou bevestig en gesê die omstandighede word ondersoek.

Jason Rohde is met verlof en die maatskappy het in ’n verklaring medelye met sy gesin uitgespreek.

Samantha Bartlett, skakelbeampte vir Sotheby’s, het enige verdere navrae na die polisie verwys.

Intussen het Netwerk24 by ’n betroubare bron verneem dat Rohde se lyk gevind is waar dit aan elektriese koorde in die badkamer van hul hotelkamer hang.

In die lykskouing is glo bevind dat Rohde nie haar eie lewe geneem het soos wat aanvanklik gemeen is nie. Daar is glo gevind dat iemand haar met die kaal hande verwurg het.

Joep Schoof, bestuurder van die Spier Hotel, het Vrydag gesê die bestuur werk saam met die polisie in hul ondersoek. “Ons kan nie enige verdere kommentaar lewer nie omdat dit ’n polisie-ondersoek is.”

Vriende van die Rohdes in Johannesburg het aan die begin van die week op Facebook oor haar dood geskryf en medelye aan haar vriende en familie betuig.

Haar nooiensvan was Holmes en ’n inskrywing oor haar dood is ook op die Facebook-groep van die Hoërskool Bryanston in Johannesburg se klas van 1986 geplaas.

Susan Rohde se laaste inskrywing op Facebook was op 21 Julie, waar sy ’n foto van Babylonstoren geneem het.

Jason Rohde is in 2010 as uitvoerende hoof van Sotheby’s International Realty in Suid-Afrika aangestel.

Luidens Sotheby’s se webwerf is hy ’n suksesvolle sakeman en eiendomspesialis met 14 jaar se ervaring van verskeie transaksies.

Die gesin het in die vroeë 1990’s na Perth, Australië getrek en in 1997 teruggekeer na Suid-Afrika waarna “hy vinnig as een van Johannesburg se top- eiendomskonsultante uitgeblink het”.


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Friday, August 5, 2016

47 Years Old White Woman Strangled to Death With Bare Hands....You Already Know Who, How, and Even Why(I will give you a tip)...

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

What have most likely happened !!? Either she refused to black room service attendant(or cleaner or whatever) a sexual intercourse or she accidentally ended up surprising black terrorists during room robbery...could there be other options !!? Yes, but not many !!! According to international crime statistics when crimes like this play, this are most frequent death scenarios for our white people when vacationing abroad(keep in mind that in South Africa, whites are the minority)....

An autopsy of the businessman's wife  killed on the Spier Estate near Stellenbosch, have revealed that she was strangled to death with bare hands !!!

The body of Susan Rohde (47), wife of Jason Rohde, CEO of Sotheby's International Realty, was found in their hotel room on Sunday 24 July !!!

The murder was committed during the weekend of Sotheby's annual conference.

The case is still under investigation and no one was arrested.

Sotheby's International Realty South Africa, have also confirmed on Friday the death of Rohde's wife and shave stated that the situation is under the investigation.

Jason Rohde was on leave and the company expressed condolences in a statement  to him and his family.

Netwerk24 obtained the information about Rohde's body bing hung on electrical cords in the bathroom of their hotel room.

Idiotic South African police have assumed(they always do that with white people or if only possible to spare black South African regime from public lynching - the investigation was done by totally incompetent people so far and Mr. Rohde should look into hiring a personal detective/investigator) initially that she took her own life, but the autopsy did confirmed that someone strangled her with bare hands.

Joep Schoof, manager of the Spier Hotel, on Friday said that the administration is assisting police in their investigation. "We can not make any further comment because it is a police investigation."

Her maiden name was Holmes and the notice of her death is also posted on the Facebook's group "High School Bryanston in Johannesburg's class of 1986".

Susan Rohde's last entry on Facebook was on July 21, where she took a picture of Babylonstoren.

Jason Rohde has been appointed as chief executive of Sotheby's International Realty in South Africa in 2010.

According to Sotheby's website he is a successful businessman and real estate specialist with 14 years' of experience in various transactions.

The family moved to Perth's Australia in the early 1990s and returned in 1997 to South Africa, on what  Rhodes quickly excelled as one of Johannesburg's top property consultants.


Vrou by Spier ‘met kaal hande verwurg

’n Lykskouing op die vrou van ’n bekende sakeman wat vermoedelik op die Spier-landgoed buite Stellenbosch vermoor is, het glo aan die lig gebring dat sy met die kaal hande verwurg is.

Die lyk van Susan Rohde (47), vrou van Jason Rohde, uitvoerende hoof van Sotheby’s International Realty, is op Sondag 24 Julie in hul hotelkamer gevind.

Die moord is op die naweek van Sotheby’s se jaarlikse konferensie op Spier gepleeg.

Aanvanklik het die polisie ’n dossier vir ’n geregtelike doodsondersoek geopen, maar dit is Donderdag in ’n moordondersoek verander nadat die lykskouing afgehandel is, het kapt. Frederick van Wyk, ’n provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, bevestig.

Die saak word nog ondersoek en niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie.

Sotheby’s International Realty Suid-Afrika het ook Vrydag die dood van Rohde se vrou bevestig en gesê die omstandighede word ondersoek.

Jason Rohde is met verlof en die maatskappy het in ’n verklaring medelye met sy gesin uitgespreek.

Samantha Bartlett, skakelbeampte vir Sotheby’s, het enige verdere navrae na die polisie verwys.

Intussen het Netwerk24 by ’n betroubare bron verneem dat Rohde se lyk gevind is waar dit aan elektriese koorde in die badkamer van hul hotelkamer hang.

In die lykskouing is glo bevind dat Rohde nie haar eie lewe geneem het soos wat aanvanklik gemeen is nie. Daar is glo gevind dat iemand haar met die kaal hande verwurg het.

Joep Schoof, bestuurder van die Spier Hotel, het Vrydag gesê die bestuur werk saam met die polisie in hul ondersoek. “Ons kan nie enige verdere kommentaar lewer nie omdat dit ’n polisie-ondersoek is.”

Vriende van die Rohdes in Johannesburg het aan die begin van die week op Facebook oor haar dood geskryf en medelye aan haar vriende en familie betuig.

Haar nooiensvan was Holmes en ’n inskrywing oor haar dood is ook op die Facebook-groep van die Hoërskool Bryanston in Johannesburg se klas van 1986 geplaas.

Susan Rohde se laaste inskrywing op Facebook was op 21 Julie, waar sy ’n foto van Babylonstoren geneem het.

Jason Rohde is in 2010 as uitvoerende hoof van Sotheby’s International Realty in Suid-Afrika aangestel.

Luidens Sotheby’s se webwerf is hy ’n suksesvolle sakeman en eiendomspesialis met 14 jaar se ervaring van verskeie transaksies.

Die gesin het in die vroeë 1990’s na Perth, Australië getrek en in 1997 teruggekeer na Suid-Afrika waarna “hy vinnig as een van Johannesburg se top- eiendomskonsultante uitgeblink het”.


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