How can one be happy with criminals in blue uniforms who wear police badges and name them even as "excellent" after those take two hours to arrive on a crime scene is beyond my understanding !!! IT IS EXACTLY BECAUSE OF THIS "POLICE" THAT BLACK TERRORISTS HAVE MANAGED TO GET AWAY WITH IT AND WILL LIKELY NEVER BE CAUGHT !!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE !!!
Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Safe full of weapons stolen
Annette de Beer (white lady, age 77) woke up at 0100 hours on this Saturday after lights were switched off in her room....THE TERROR STARTED !!!
Four black terrorists(aka "men") were in her room on her property located in Vastfontein, north of Pretoria.
"Where are the guns? We are looking for guns, "one said.
"In the safe," De Beer replied.
"Where is the key?"
"I'm a little old. I'm 77. I forgot. Let me please just think a bit.... "
At that moment, one of the black terrorists(aka men) pushed her hard on the bed.
"He put his hands so over lap and then he pushed me over my mouth and nose. That's where I have bruises left, "said De Beer while she went with her fingers over her face, neck, and shoulders...
The black terrorist(aka man) became angry and De Beer gave them the safe key.
Another one went outside to look for tools that he could break use to break the vault.
De Beer was forced to take her clothes off and the black terrorists have threatened her with rape !!!
Black terrorists(aka robbers) have De Beer's hands and legs tied up with an electric cable and her clothing.
"He tied the things around my body on top of each other. I was afterwards so thick."
"He tied cloth around my face and so close to my nose,that I have difficulty breathing....."
The gang fled with the safe..... pistol, revolver, double-barreled shotgun, ammunition, money, jewelry and a camera were stolen(all inside of the safe).
De Beer's cell phone was also taken.
As they fled, they dialed the last number accidentally stated De Beer.
Rienie (56), De Beer's daughter, answered the phone. She and her husband, Anton (52), live next door in another house on the property.
"In the background, Rienie I have heard black terrorists(aka men) laughing.
"We thought that they were still in the house and that my mother might have pressed the redial button," says Anton.
De Beer said the attackers were armed and were not wearing balaclavas....
De Beers has been living on that property since 1974 on the property and this was their first farm attack.....
Anton suspects that the black terrorism(aka "robbery") was an inside crime.
"These guys knew exactly what they were doing - including how to get in..."
The Hammanskraal police station was called at about 04:00 hours, but have taken two whole hours to arrive on crime scene !!!
Anton said he was "very angry", but when they arrived, the police service was "excellent".
"The detectives, forensic unit, fingerprint unit - they were many of them. Then they worked. They worked last night until 22:00. "
Ian Cameron, AfriForum's Head of Community Safety, have stated that people in that area have already struggled in the past with police to get their cooperation...
"If Annette de Beer was dead now, it would have been a shame that not enough was done by police as an answer to the family and community....."
Black cops Const. Petunia Chabangu and Mmanakana Tselapedi, did NOT respond to inquiries about incident !!!
Kluis vol wapens geroof
Annette de Beer (77) het Saterdag omstreeks 01:00 wakker geword toe iemand die lig in haar kamer aanskakel.
Vier mans was in haar kamer op die hoewe in Vastfontein, noord van Pretoria.
“Waar is die gewere? Ons soek gewere,” het een gesê.
“Dis in die kluis,” het De Beer geantwoord.
“Waar is die sleutel?”
“Ek is ’n bietjie oud. Ek is 77. Ek vergeet. Los my net laat ek kan dink.”
Een van die mans het haar hard op die bed vasgedruk.
“Hy het sy hande so oormekaar gesit en dan druk hy my so oor my mond en neus. Dis waar ek kneusplekke het,” sê De Beer terwyl sy met haar vingers oor haar gesig, nek en skouers streel.
Die rower het hom vererg en De Beer het hulle die kluissleutel gegee.
’n Ander een is na buite om gereedskap te soek waarmee hy die kluis kon uitbreek.
Toe ruk hulle De Beer se klere af en dreig om haar te verkrag.
Die rowers het De Beer se hande en bene met ’n elektriese kabel en van haar klere vasgebind.
“Bo-oor mekaar het hy die goed rondom my lyf vasgebind. Ek was naderhand so dik gewees.
“Hy het ’n doek om my gesig gebind wat so na aan my neus was, ek het nie baie plek gehad om asem te haal nie.”
Die bende het met die kluis gevlug waarin daar onder meer ’n pistool, rewolwer, dubbelloophaelgeweer, ammunisie, geld, juweliersware en ’n kamera was.
De Beer se selfoon is ook gevat.
Terwyl hulle gevlug het, het hulle per ongeluk die laaste nommer geskakel wat De Beer geskakel het.
Rienie (56), De Beer se skoondogter, het die foon geantwoord. Sy en haar man, Anton (52), woon in ’n ander huis op die hoewe.
“Op die agtergrond hoor Rienie nou hierdie mans praat en dis ’n gelag.
“Ons het gedink hulle is in die huis en dat my ma dalk die redial-knoppie gedruk het,” sê Anton.
De Beer sê die aanvallers was ongewapen, het nie klapmusse gedra nie en was vroeg in die 30.
Die De Beers woon al sedert 1974 op die hoewe en dis die eerste aanval daar.
Anton vermoed die rooftog was ’n binnemisdaad.
“Hierdie ouens het presies geweet waar om wat te doen en hoe om in te kom.”
Die Hammanskraal-polisiekantoor is omstreeks 04:00 ontbied en het eers sowat twee uur later op die toneel aangekom.
Anton sê hy was “baie kwaad”, maar nadat hulle opgedaag het, was die polisie se diens “puik”.
“Die speurders, forensiese eenheid, vingerafdruk-eenheid – hulle was ’n berg ouens. Toe het hulle gewerk. Hulle het gisteraand gewerk tot 22:00 toe.”
Ian Cameron, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid, sê mense daar het al voorheen gesukkel om samewerking van die polisiekantoor te kry.
“As Annette nou dood was, sou ’n jammer nie genoeg van ’n antwoord gewees het nie.”
Konst. Petunia Chabangu het navrae na kol. Mmanakana Tselapedi, stasiebevelvoerder, verwys wat teen druktyd nie op navrae gereageer het nie.
NOTE: Whether you live in South Africa or elsewhere, but specially in South is always the same procedure that you have to take to protect your family and yourself from criminals in the is crucial to record the time of your call to police, the time of their arrival on scene, write down names of the officers and request from them a copy(and the case number) of the police report to make sure that your criminal case or incident was even recorded !!! The case number and copy of the police report also gives you the right to follow up with the police and it gives them the impression that you know what you are doing...they eventually are forced to take your case more seriously that way and you never know what your future may be(it is always extremely important to have backup file about previous incidents in case if incident repeats in the future etc...this is a proof for the court etc...)....JUST DO IT AS EXPLAINED HERE AND YOU MAY EVEN SAVE YOURSELF A LIFE IN THE FUTURE !!!
Inform media houses about it(including this one) to have your story published...this is also one additional record that benefits you in case you have to deal and potentially even kill terrorists on your property in the future !!! South African judicial system(specially black police) likes to forget all to often(when black terrorists are injured) that you were already a victim of their crime in the past...they are blaming our white people even for defending their own and lives of their family members from terrorists who break inside of their residences etc....You live in South Africa folks, so please learn to do it the right way !!!
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