Will we ever find out who this individual is or will black South African regime continue to harbor this type of criminals from public as well !!?
Edited and translated by Bastian Auser:
Sasolburg's pedophile guilty to hundreds of charges..
The Bloemfontein's High Court has convicted a father of Sasolburg on Wednesday of 933 sexual offenses, including sexual assault of his own two daughters.
Phaladi Shuping, spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), told Marula Media that the 52-year-old man was found guilty on one count of lying with a minor under 15, 37 counts of rape, 18 of indecent assault, 541 of possession of child pornography, 108 counts of distributing child pornography and 228 of producing child pornography.
The man will be sentenced from 1 to 4 November and will remain in police custody until then. The state will in meanwhile gain psychological reports(evaluations) in aggravation upon which sentence will be determined.
The man was arrested on October 16, 2014 after police received a tip-off from Interpol. The man belongs to a network of on-line pedophiles who have posted the photos of him and his two daughters as well as other girls who were sexually assaulted.
Police have earlier stated that man's photos that he posted on a website were available only to certain people. In order to gain access to the site, the users had to upload their photo of child's sex abuse...
During the individual's arrest at his office in Kew, Johannesburg, police seized many computers, DVDs, cell phones, books, sex toys, underwear and photographs....
Sasolburg-pedofiel skuldig op honderde aanklagte
Die Bloemfonteinse hooggeregshof het Woensdag ʼn pa van Sasolburg skuldig bevind op 933 seksuele misdrywe, waaronder die seksuele aanranding van sy eie twee dogters.
Phaladi Shuping, woordvoerder van die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG), het aan Maroela Media bevestig die 52-jarige man is skuldig bevind op een aanklag van gemeenskap met ʼn minderjarige jonger as 15 jaar, 37 aanklagte van verkragting, 18 van onsedelike aanranding, 541 van die besit van kinderpornografie, 108 aanklagte van die verspreiding van kinderpornografie en 228 van die vervaardiging van kinderpornografie.
Die man sal van 1 tot 4 November gevonnis word en sal in polisieaanhouding bly tot dan. Die staat sal intussen sielkundige verslae bekom wat ter verswaring van vonnis ingedien sal word.
Die man is op 16 Oktober 2014 in hegtenis geneem nadat die polisie ʼn wenk van Interpol ontvang het. Die man het glo ʼn netwerk vir pedofiele aanlyn besoek en foto’s opgelaai van hom wat sy twee dogters en ander meisies seksueel aanrand.
Die polisie het vroeër gesê die man het foto’s op ʼn webwerf geplaas waartoe slegs sekere mense toegang het. Die webtuiste se gebruikers moet eers ʼn foto van kinderseks oplaai voordat hulle toegang tot die webtuiste kry.
Tydens die man se inhegtenisneming by sy kantoor in Kew, Johannesburg, het die polisie op talle rekenaars, DVD’s, selfone, boeke, seksspeelgoed, onderklere en foto’s beslag gelê.
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