Saturday, August 13, 2016

Terror Attack on Elderly White Couple Located in Garsfontein, Pretoria By You Already Know Whom, How, And Why....Attack Leaves Elderly Couple Badly Injured And in Shock at The Local Hospital !!!

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

A couple of Garsfontein, Pretoria, was treated for shock and bodily injuries at the local hospital after being attacked in their own home in Pointerstraat....

The elderly couple's dog, have at around five o'clock on Friday's afternoon started to bark and as soon as the elderly man have opened the door, he was overpowered by the black terrorists(aka "attackers").

Elderly couple was immediately assaulted. The terrorists(aka "attackers") have stolen mobile phones and a tablet.

Terrorists(aka "they") have managed  to gain access to the property through the busy Solomon Mahlanguweg...

Garsfontein police spokesman did not answer his phone on Saturday.


Egpaar in Garsfontein in hul huis aangerand

'n Egpaar van Garsfontein, Pretoria, is vir skok en beserings in die hospitaal behandel nadat hulle in hul huis in Pointerstraat aangeval is.

Na verneem word het die ouerige egpaar se honde omstreeks vyfuur Vrydagmiddag begin blaf en toe die man die deur vir hulle oopmaak, is hy deur die aanvallers oorrompel.

Hy en sy vrou is erg aangerand. Die aanranders het selfone en 'n tabletrekenaar gesteel.

Hulle het vermoedelik toegang tot die erf gekry van die besige Solomon Mahlanguweg. 

Garsfontein se polisiewoordvoerder het nie Saterdag sy telefoon geantwoord nie.


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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Terror Attack on Elderly White Couple Located in Garsfontein, Pretoria By You Already Know Whom, How, And Why....Attack Leaves Elderly Couple Badly Injured And in Shock at The Local Hospital !!!

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

A couple of Garsfontein, Pretoria, was treated for shock and bodily injuries at the local hospital after being attacked in their own home in Pointerstraat....

The elderly couple's dog, have at around five o'clock on Friday's afternoon started to bark and as soon as the elderly man have opened the door, he was overpowered by the black terrorists(aka "attackers").

Elderly couple was immediately assaulted. The terrorists(aka "attackers") have stolen mobile phones and a tablet.

Terrorists(aka "they") have managed  to gain access to the property through the busy Solomon Mahlanguweg...

Garsfontein police spokesman did not answer his phone on Saturday.


Egpaar in Garsfontein in hul huis aangerand

'n Egpaar van Garsfontein, Pretoria, is vir skok en beserings in die hospitaal behandel nadat hulle in hul huis in Pointerstraat aangeval is.

Na verneem word het die ouerige egpaar se honde omstreeks vyfuur Vrydagmiddag begin blaf en toe die man die deur vir hulle oopmaak, is hy deur die aanvallers oorrompel.

Hy en sy vrou is erg aangerand. Die aanranders het selfone en 'n tabletrekenaar gesteel.

Hulle het vermoedelik toegang tot die erf gekry van die besige Solomon Mahlanguweg. 

Garsfontein se polisiewoordvoerder het nie Saterdag sy telefoon geantwoord nie.


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