What are your chances of survival if ran over with monster like this !!?
Basically what I have to say about this deadly incident is that I disbelieve black terrorist entirely and this regardless of what he will have to say on court of law...WHY !!? BECAUSE VEHICLE WAS EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION(not mentioned anywhere in this article) AND TO CAUSE SOMETHING AS SEEN IN THIS CASE, ONE MUST BE EITHER DRUNK/UNDER INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR SIMPLY WHAT BLACK TERRORISTS ARE = KILLERS !!!
Even a child wouldn't do what he have done when driving vehicle with automatic transmission is what I have to say !!! HE IS GUILTY OF COMMITTING UNBORN CHILD'S MURDER AND HEAVY BODILY INJURIES INFLICTED ON HIS MATHER !!!
Edited and translated by Bastian Auser:
The black driver of the car that have hit a white pregnant woman at a Sasol's carwash and what caused her to lose her unborn child, was not even authorized to drive the car.
Alex Anderson, a spokesman for Sasol, said the gas station where the tragic incident took place Saturday, is not directly owned by Sasol, but by a private owner. "We are obviously in touch with the owner about the incident, but can only act within the limits of the franchise holder," he said.
Marula Media reported earlier that Belinda Louw (35) sustained critical injuries after Saturday's incident at the carwash located at the corner of John Heyns- and Ben Swart Street in Mafikeng....
Anderson have on Wednesday stated to Marula Media according to the information which they have received from the owner of the garage, that Louw was at 0930 hours sitting at the waiting area of the laundry while staff was washing her car.
"Other cars, including a Toyota Fortuner, were waiting to be moved to the area where the cars are vacuumed and polished. After the Toyota Fortuner was washed, a worker who did not have the mandate to drive customers' vehicles without prior authorization, acted against the owner's policy and have driven the vehicle on his own to the vacuuming area... "Anderson stated...
"The worker lost control of the vehicle and have driven unfortunately where the customer was sitting at the time." Anderson stated....
"The owner of the gas station will continue to operate fully with the police, who are investigating the incident...." he said.
Anderson ex[pressed his personal condolences to the family by stating I cite, "On behalf of Sasol, we want to express our deepest condolences to the client's family and friends for their tragic loss and we wish her a speedy and full recovery."
Die bestuurder van die motor wat glo ʼn hoogswanger vrou by ʼn Sasol-motorwassery getref en veroorsaak het dat sy haar ongebore baba verloor het, was glo nie gemagtig om die motor te bestuur nie.
Alex Anderson, ʼn woordvoerder van Sasol, het gesê die vulstasie waar die tragiese voorval Saterdag gebeur het, word nie direk deur Sasol besit nie, maar deur ʼn private eienaar. “Ons is natuurlik in verbinding met die eienaar oor die voorval, maar kan slegs optree binne die grense van die franchise-houer,” het hy gesê.
Maroela Media het vroeër berig Belinda Louw (35) het kritieke beserings opgedoen nadat sy Saterdag by die motorwassery van die Sasol-vulstasie op die hoek van Johan Heyns- en Ben Swartstraat in Gezina, Pretoria, raakgery is.
Anderson het Woensdag aan Maroela Media gesê, volgens die inligting wat hulle van die eienaar van die vulstasie ontvang het, het Louw omstreeks 09:30 by die wagarea van die wassery gesit terwyl personeel haar motor gewas het.
“Ander motors, onder meer ʼn Toyota Fortuner, het gewag om na die area geskuif te word waar die motors gestofsuig en poleer word. Nadat die Fortuner gewas is, het ʼn werker, wat nie die mandaat gehad het om met kliënte se voertuie te ry sonder vooraf magtiging nie, teen die eienaar se beleid opgetree en die voertuig na die stofsuigarea bestuur,” het Anderson gesê.
“Die werker het beheer oor die voertuig verloor en in die wagkamerarea ingery, ongelukkig waar die kliënt in daardie stadium gesit het.” Anderson het gesê die vulstasie en Sasol het later verneem Louw het haar ongebore baba verloor en is in ʼn kritieke toestand in die waakeenheid van ʼn hospitaal.
“Die eienaar van die vulstasie sal voortgaan om ten volle met die SAPD, wat die voorval ondersoek, saam te werk,” het hy gesê. “Namens Sasol wil ons ons innige medelye teenoor die kliënt se familie en vriende uitspreek vir hul tragiese verlies en ons wens haar ʼn vinnige en volle herstel toe.”
Maroela Media het Dinsdag vir Xander Louw, Belinda se broer, gekontak, maar hy wou nie kommentaar lewer nie.
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