Edited and translated by Bastian Auser:
Two held for murder of Northwest plot
Two black terrorists(aka "suspects") were arrested in connection with the murder of a white female(aka "woman") whose body was found on Wednesday inside of her home on a smallholding at Silkaatsnek near Hartbeespoort Dam in North West.
Ao. Mpeile Talane, the police spokesman, have stated that two terrorists(aka "suspects") were arrested at about 08:00 hours this morning in the Rietfontein area. The two are 24 and 25 years old.
Marula Media reported earlier that the woman's boyfriend was the one who have found her body at home. He became suspicious as soon as he realized that she she did not picked up her children at the school as usual. Her body was found in the home with multiple stab wounds. Several items were stolen from the house.
According to Talane, the stolen launchers of the a laptop and cell phone were since recovered ever since, but the rest of the stolen items are still missing. "The suspects will appear at the court within the next 48 hours on a charge of murder and robbery" he said.
Talane would still not confirm the name of the deceased, however, she was identified by social media as Laurika Potgieter.
Twee vas vir moord op Noordwes-kleinhoewe
Twee verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem in verband met die moord op ʼn vrou, wie se liggaam Woensdag in haar huis op ʼn kleinhoewe by Silkaatsnek, naby Hartbeespoortdam in Noordwes gevind is.
Ao. Mpeile Talane, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê twee verdagtes is omstreeks 08:00 vanoggend in die Rietfontein-gebied vasgetrek. Hulle is onderskeidelik 24 en 25 jaar oud.
Maroela Media het vroeër berig die vrou se vriend het op haar liggaam afgekom nadat hy by die huis gaan ondersoek instel het. Hy het onraad vermoed omdat sy nie oudergewoonte haar kinders by die skool kom oplaai het nie. Haar liggaam is met veelvuldige steekwonde in die huis gevind. Verskeie items is ook uit die huis gesteel.
Volgens Talane is die laaiers van ʼn skootrekenaar en selfoon, wat tydens die aanval gesteel is, intussen teruggevind maar die res van die gesteelde items word steeds vermis. “Die verdagtes sal binne die volgende 48 uur op ʼn aanklag van moord en huisroof in die hof verskyn,” het hy gesê.
Talane wou steeds nie die naam van die oorledene bevestig nie. Sy is egter intussen op sosiale media as Laurika Potgieter geïdentifiseer.
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