Were the two victims of black terrorism a white victims !!? I do think so !!! We may or we may never find out about the real truth in a country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists, but criminally insane South African government and its free press deliberately decline to disclose victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that....
Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Two black terrorists(aka "men"), aged 18 and 25 years old, have had appeared on Monday at the Rustenburg's Magistrate Court in connection with the bestial strangling(aka "murder") of a 21-year-old woman and her two year old son.
Sgt. Kelebogile Moleko, the police spokesman, stated that the woman's boyfriend have found hers and the body of her child on Friday on the bedroom's floor in her own home in Boitekong. The mother and son were bestially strangled.
According Moleko, the two have broken into the house and several items were stolen. "The police followed up on information and have as result that same day arrested the two terrorists(aka "men") in Boitekong. The woman's phone and the other stolen items were found in the suspects' possession, "Moleko stated.
The suspects will face charges of murder and burglary.
Moleko could not immediately confirm the victims' names and said the police will announce them in the coming week.
Ma en seun (2) dood gevind; twee vas
Twee mans, onderskeidelik 18 en 25 jaar oud, sal Maandag in die Rustenburg-landdroshof verskyn in verband met die moord op ʼn 21-jarige vrou en haar tweejarige seun.
Sers. Kelebogile Moleko, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die vrou se vriend het haar liggaam sowel as dié van die kleuter Vrydag op die slaapkamervloer van haar huis in Boitekong aangetref. Die ma en seun is vermoedelik verwurg.
Volgens Moleko was daar by die huis ingebreek en verskeie items is gesteel. “Die polisie het inligting opgevolg en later dieselfde dag twee mans in Boitekong in hegtenis geneem. Die vrou se selfoon en van die ander gesteelde items is in die verdagtes se besit gevind,” het Moleko gesê.
Die verdagtes sal tereg staan op aanklagte van moord en huisbraak.
Moleko kon nie onmiddellik die oorledenes se name bevestig nie en het gesê die polisie sal dit in die komende week bekendmaak.
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