Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Black Terrorists(aka "Robbers") execute(aka "shoot") white couple in their own bed....
Black terrorists(aka "Robbers") have on Sunday morning shot at least five bullets at a the white couple where the two were resting on their bed and inside of their smallholding(house) located on the West Rand in Muldersdrift.
Shaun Smith (32) was shot no less than three times in the leg and his wife, Marina (27), in the leg.
Their 20 moths old son Richard was left alive(aka "unharmed"). He slept in his cot next to their bed....
At approximately 0200 hours, Marina just startled at the two black terrorists(aka "men") who stood up right in front of the couple's bed.....
"I screamed and pulled the blankets over our heads."
They shot at least five times at the couple.
"They asked why we scream and have ripped the blankets."
Richard woke up and started crying. "I asked them if I could please pick him up and they gave me a permission to do so."
The terrorists(aka "robbers") have taken their wedding rings, cell phones, and the jewelry before Shaun's hands were tied up with haartang cord(cord from electric appliance)....
Marina was told to unlock the front door so the robbers could easily get out of the house.
"When I came back in the room there was still a third person in there. They have told me to sit on the floor with my son on my lap before I my hands were tied up with shoelaces."
"They demanded gun and safe, but we explained them that we did not have such things. Laptops and TV were also stolen. When they were ready to go, they told us to wait 30 minutes before calling the police. "
The family waited, managed to free their hands, and have headed to Shaun's brother who also lives on the same property....
The couple's five-year daughter, Joha-nné, slept that night with her grandmother. "I'm grateful we're all safe and that my children were not hurt. Shaun is still in the hospital while I was sent home with stitches. It could have been much worse."
If You have any information on above incident, please contact immediately the police....thank you
Rowers skiet egpaar in bed
Rowers het Sondagoggend minstens vyf skote op ’n egpaar geskiet waar hulle in hul bed op ’n hoewe in Muldersdrift aan die Wes-Rand gelê het.
Shaun Smit (32) is drie keer in die been geskiet.
’n Koeël het sy vrou, Marina (27), in die boud getref.
Hul seuntjie, Richard (20 maande), is ongedeerd. Hy het in sy bababedjie langs hul bed geslaap.
Marina het net ná 02:00 wakker geskrik en twee mans voor hul bed sien staan.
“Ek het geskreeu en die komberse oor ons koppe getrek.”
Hulle het minstens vyf skote op die egpaar geskiet.
“Hulle het gevra hoekom ons skree en die komberse afgeruk.”
Richard het wakker geword en begin huil. “Ek het hulle gevra of ek hom kan optel en hulle het my toestemming gegee.”
Die rowers het hul trouringe, selfone en juweliersware gevat voordat hulle ’n bloeiende Shaun se hande met ’n haartang se koord vasgebind het.
Marina is aangesê om die voordeur oop te sluit sodat die rowers maklik uit die huis kon kom.
“Toe ek terugkom in die kamer was daar ’n derde persoon, wat seker ook deur dieselfde venster geklim het. Hulle het vir my gesê om op die grond te sit met my seuntjie op my skoot voordat hulle my hande met skoenveters vasgebind het.
“Hulle het gevra waar die geweer en kluis is, maar ons het verduidelik dat ons nie sulke goed het nie. Hulle het ons skootrekenaars en TV ook gevat. Toe hulle reg was om te gaan, het hulle ons aangesê om 30 minute te wag voordat ons die polisie bel.”
Die gesin het gewag, hul hande losgewikkel en na Shaun se broer, wat ook op die hoewe woon, gejaag.
Die egpaar se vyfjarige dogter, Joha-nné, het die aand by haar ouma-hulle geslaap en daaroor is Marina veral bly. “Ek is dankbaar ons is almal veilig en dat my kinders nie seergekry het nie. Shaun is nog in die hospitaal en ek is huis toe gestuur met steke. Dit kon soveel erger gewees het.”
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