Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Will Court Finally Spare White Farmer's Life After One Was Already Shot By Black Terrorists in 2014 !!?

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

A white farmer fears of another life threatening terrorist attack after squatters had erected new shanties in his vicinity....

Willem Nel (50) of the farm Bultfontein, north of Pretoria, was already shot by black terrorists outside of his own house once with a shotgun...right in his left thigh during 2014 on what he finally have managed to obtain he obtain what was only a temporary eviction(on December 4, 2014).

Eight days later, the Red Ants demolished almost 150 huts and the police opened fire on black land grabbers using rubber bullets.

Eversince, squatters have attempted to built on his farm huts for already five times.

The new squatter huts built on the portion of his farm border his property and Soshanguve....

"I can not leave my house. I should take care of one 24 hours a day. "

Nel said he was waiting for a court date to make the court order permanent, but the roll is full. "on 4th of April, we were at the the court for confirmation of trial."

Nel owns 500 cattle and allows about another 300 cattle from 50 emerging farmers of Soshanguve and Stinkwater to pasture on his farm....

He believes that farmers should help one another in emergencies such as fire outbreak etc...

Nel says he had been living for 21 years on the farm and is not going anywhere.

"It took me years to build ownership of so many cows. "

"They steal on other farms and then go right through my door. "

"The stickers hate me," said one of the emerging farmers who supported Nel.

He asked to remain anonymous due to fear of victimization.

Rapitsi Mohaleamalla, traditional chief of the AmaNdebele ba Lebelo, have stated that land belongs to them.

"We have a document from the ex Minister of Native Affairs", Louis Botha stated..."a document that proofs that this is our land....this is our title deed of 1916 and 1924. We know for a fact that the place belongs with legitimacy and entirely to us."


’n Boer vrees nóg ’n aanval op hom nadat plakkers eergister ’n klomp hutte op sy plaas kom oprig het.

Willem Nel (50) van die plaas Bultfontein, noord van Pretoria, is in 2014 buite sy plaashuis met ’n haelgeweer in die linkerdy geskiet.

Plakkers het vir die eerste keer in 2014 op sy plaas kom huis opsit en hy het op 4 Desember 2014 ’n tydelike uitsettingsbevel bekom.

Agt dae later het die Rooimiere sowat 150 hutte afgebreek en die polisie het met rubberkoeëls op mense losgebrand.

Sedert daardie tyd het plakkers al vyf keer hutte op sy plaas probeer bou.

Die nuwe hutte is op die deel van die plaas wat aan Soshanguve grens en Nel glo hy word geteiken.

“Ek kan nie by my huis weggaan nie. Ek moet dit 24 uur per dag oppas.”

Nel sê hy wag op ’n hof­datum om die hofbevel permanent te maak, maar die hofrol is vol. “Ons was op 4 April in die hof, so hy is steeds bekragtig.”

Nel het 500 beeste en laat sowat 300 beeste van 50 opkomende boere van Soshanguve en Stinkwater op sy plaas wei.

Hy glo hulle moet mekaar help in geval byvoorbeeld ’n veldbrand uitbreek.

Nel sê hy woon al 21 jaar lank op die plaas en gaan nêrens heen nie.

“Ek moet maar dink waarheen nou, maar ek gaan nie net trek nie. Dis jare se beeste wat ek bymekaargemaak het.”

Nel glo sy plaas vorm ’n buffer tussen Soshanguve en kleinhoewes. “Hulle steel op die kleinhoewes en dan gaan hulle by my deur. As ek die dag hier trek, weet ek nie wat met die mense op die kleinhoewes gaan gebeur nie.”

“Die plakkers haat my,” sê een van die opkomende boere wat Nel ondersteun.

Hy wil anoniem bly uit vrees vir viktimisasie.

Rapitsi Mohaleamalla, tradisionele stamhoof van die AmaNdebele ba Lebelo, het gister by Beeld se besoek gesê die grond behoort aan hulle.

“Ons ’n dokument van die destydse minister van naturellesake, Louis Botha.

“Dis ons titelakte van 1916 en 1924. Ons weet vir ’n feit die plek behoort heeltemal regmatig aan ons.”


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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Will Court Finally Spare White Farmer's Life After One Was Already Shot By Black Terrorists in 2014 !!?

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

A white farmer fears of another life threatening terrorist attack after squatters had erected new shanties in his vicinity....

Willem Nel (50) of the farm Bultfontein, north of Pretoria, was already shot by black terrorists outside of his own house once with a shotgun...right in his left thigh during 2014 on what he finally have managed to obtain he obtain what was only a temporary eviction(on December 4, 2014).

Eight days later, the Red Ants demolished almost 150 huts and the police opened fire on black land grabbers using rubber bullets.

Eversince, squatters have attempted to built on his farm huts for already five times.

The new squatter huts built on the portion of his farm border his property and Soshanguve....

"I can not leave my house. I should take care of one 24 hours a day. "

Nel said he was waiting for a court date to make the court order permanent, but the roll is full. "on 4th of April, we were at the the court for confirmation of trial."

Nel owns 500 cattle and allows about another 300 cattle from 50 emerging farmers of Soshanguve and Stinkwater to pasture on his farm....

He believes that farmers should help one another in emergencies such as fire outbreak etc...

Nel says he had been living for 21 years on the farm and is not going anywhere.

"It took me years to build ownership of so many cows. "

"They steal on other farms and then go right through my door. "

"The stickers hate me," said one of the emerging farmers who supported Nel.

He asked to remain anonymous due to fear of victimization.

Rapitsi Mohaleamalla, traditional chief of the AmaNdebele ba Lebelo, have stated that land belongs to them.

"We have a document from the ex Minister of Native Affairs", Louis Botha stated..."a document that proofs that this is our land....this is our title deed of 1916 and 1924. We know for a fact that the place belongs with legitimacy and entirely to us."


’n Boer vrees nóg ’n aanval op hom nadat plakkers eergister ’n klomp hutte op sy plaas kom oprig het.

Willem Nel (50) van die plaas Bultfontein, noord van Pretoria, is in 2014 buite sy plaashuis met ’n haelgeweer in die linkerdy geskiet.

Plakkers het vir die eerste keer in 2014 op sy plaas kom huis opsit en hy het op 4 Desember 2014 ’n tydelike uitsettingsbevel bekom.

Agt dae later het die Rooimiere sowat 150 hutte afgebreek en die polisie het met rubberkoeëls op mense losgebrand.

Sedert daardie tyd het plakkers al vyf keer hutte op sy plaas probeer bou.

Die nuwe hutte is op die deel van die plaas wat aan Soshanguve grens en Nel glo hy word geteiken.

“Ek kan nie by my huis weggaan nie. Ek moet dit 24 uur per dag oppas.”

Nel sê hy wag op ’n hof­datum om die hofbevel permanent te maak, maar die hofrol is vol. “Ons was op 4 April in die hof, so hy is steeds bekragtig.”

Nel het 500 beeste en laat sowat 300 beeste van 50 opkomende boere van Soshanguve en Stinkwater op sy plaas wei.

Hy glo hulle moet mekaar help in geval byvoorbeeld ’n veldbrand uitbreek.

Nel sê hy woon al 21 jaar lank op die plaas en gaan nêrens heen nie.

“Ek moet maar dink waarheen nou, maar ek gaan nie net trek nie. Dis jare se beeste wat ek bymekaargemaak het.”

Nel glo sy plaas vorm ’n buffer tussen Soshanguve en kleinhoewes. “Hulle steel op die kleinhoewes en dan gaan hulle by my deur. As ek die dag hier trek, weet ek nie wat met die mense op die kleinhoewes gaan gebeur nie.”

“Die plakkers haat my,” sê een van die opkomende boere wat Nel ondersteun.

Hy wil anoniem bly uit vrees vir viktimisasie.

Rapitsi Mohaleamalla, tradisionele stamhoof van die AmaNdebele ba Lebelo, het gister by Beeld se besoek gesê die grond behoort aan hulle.

“Ons ’n dokument van die destydse minister van naturellesake, Louis Botha.

“Dis ons titelakte van 1916 en 1924. Ons weet vir ’n feit die plek behoort heeltemal regmatig aan ons.”


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