Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
"Sparks fly at United Nations"
A delegation of Solidarity(Solidariteit) with the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: Solidarity
According to the trade union Solidarity(Afvaardiging van Solidariteit), emotions ran high today at the session of the United Nations committee on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in South Africa.
South Africa's policy on so called "affirmative action" was particularly under the spotlight after Solidarity's presentation earlier this week.
According to Dr. Dirk Hermann, CEO of Solidarity, accusations of the committee members against South African government, touches a rigid policy of racism agaisnt whites which was/is laid on old apartheid's foundations .
"Something that the South African government have denied(disagreed with) and have further suggested that one was unaware of a racial quota system. The Solidarity have accused government of the lack of progress among others and this can be attributed to Solidarity's court cases and complaints which were submitted to the United Nations, "Hermann stated.
The Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, John Jeffrey, had to answer the questions regarding the report that he has submitted to the committee yesterday on behalf of the South African government. This report followed the presentation to the to the UN committee which was submitted by Solidarity and AfriForum on Monday regarding the South African government's policy of racial quotas on jobs and in sports.
"One of the committee members and a former chairman of the Belgian Constitutional Court, Marc Bossuyt, said yesterday that the government's policy of affirmative action is rigid and its application in the private sector, economy and sport is absurd. The use of race laws comes down to old-apartheid and are not protected by any convention, " said Hermann.
Jeffreys have denied the black South African regime(aka "government") follows a quota system.
Bossuyt have stated in response to the minister's that he can not see the difference between quotas and targets. Special government measures should not take the form of reverse racism. There is no such thing as good racism and special measures are should not apply against ethnic groups on the basis of skin color. He believes the focus should be on schools, because it is more profitable, albeit more challenging.
In addition, committee members have strongly focused on training. The committee's rapporteur, responsible for South Africa, Ms. Dah, said South Africa has a large education budget. Funding is not the problem; there must be another problem.
"We find it ironic that the government's Solidarity cases considered resistance. The government is irritated by the interference of the courts in the implementation of its racial policies. The government would not be bound by law. The South African government has been repeatedly convicted by courts on charges of unfair racial discrimination, "Hermann said.
"We are extremely pleased with our representations. Our production dominated the session to a great extent and has led to fierce debate. Another voice was heard on an international platform. My impression of what happened this week at a UN committee, is that South Africa has lost its status as the darling of the world, "Hermann said.
The committee will now compile a report and make recommendations. South Africa must report within two years on how the recommendations are implemented.
Afrikaans(original article):
‘Vonke spat by Verenigde Nasies’
‘n Afvaardiging van Solidariteit by die Verenigde Nasies in Genève, Switzerland.
Volgens die vakbond Solidariteit het gemoedere vandag hoog geloop by die sitting van die Verenigde Nasies se komitee vir die uitwissing van alle vorme van rassediskriminasie.
Suid-Afrika se beleid oor regstellende aksie was veral onder die vergrootglas ná Solidariteit se aanbieding vroeër vandeesweek.
Volgens dr. Dirk Hermann, bestuurshoof van Solidariteit, was daar onder meer beskuldigings van die komiteelede dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se beleid te rigied is en selfs neerkom op ou-apartheid. “Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het dit ontken en gesê hy volg nie ʼn kwotastelsel nie. Die regering het Solidariteit daarvan beskuldig dat die gebrek aan vordering onder meer toegeskryf kan word aan Solidariteit se hofsake en die klagtes wat aan die Verenigde Nasies voorgelê is,” sê Hermann.
Die adjunkminister van justisie en grondwetlike ontwikkeling, John Jeffrey, moes vrae beantwoord na aanleiding van die verslag wat hy gister namens die Suid-Afrikaanse regering aan die komitee voorgelê het. Dié verslag volg op die aanbieding wat Solidariteit en AfriForum Maandag aan die VN-komitee gedoen het oor die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se beleid van rassekwotas in werk en sport.
Volgens Hermann het die komiteelede die regering geroskam omdat sy verslag laat ingedien is en omdat dit oor gebrekkige inligting beskik.
“Een van die komiteelede en ʼn voormalige voorsitter van die Belgiese konstitusionele hof, Marc Bossuyt, het gister gesê die regering se beleid van regstellende aksie is rigied en die toepassing daarvan in die privaat sektor, ekonomie en sport is absurd. Die gebruik van ras kom neer op ou-apartheid en word nie deur die konvensie beskerm nie,” sê Hermann.
Jeffreys het egter ontken die regering volg ʼn kwotastelsel. Hy het gesê ʼn lang pad lê nog voor en die stadige pas is deels te wyte aan Solidariteit wat hom tot die howe en die Verenigde Nasies wend.
Bossuyt het in reaksie op die minister se antwoord gesê hy kan nie die verskil tussen kwotas en teikens insien nie. Spesiale maatreëls moenie die vorm van omgekeerde rassisme aanneem nie. Volgens hom kan daar nie iets soos goeie rassisme wees nie en mag spesiale maatreëls nie op grond van velkleur toegepas word nie. Hy meen die fokus moet eerder op skole wees, aangesien dit meer voordelig is, al is dit meer uitdagend.
Nog ʼn komiteelid het gesê kwotastelsels is nie goed op die lang termyn nie en ander beleidsrigtings moet oorweeg word.
Daarby het komiteelede sterk gefokus op opleiding. Die komitee se rapporteur, wat vir Suid-Afrika verantwoordelik is, me. Dah, het gesê Suid-Afrika beskik oor ʼn groot onderwysbegroting. Befondsing is dus nie die probleem nie; daar moet ʼn ander probleem wees.
“Ons vind dit ironies dat die regering Solidariteit se hofsake as weerstand beskou. Die regering is geïrriteerd met die inmenging van die howe in die implementering van sy rassebeleid. Die regering wil nie deur wetgewing gebind word nie. Die Suid-Afrika regering is al verskeie kere deur howe skuldig bevind op aanklagte van onbillike rassediskriminasie,” het Hermann gesê.
“Ons is uiters tevrede met ons vertoë. Ons voorlegging het die sitting tot ʼn groot mate oorheers en het tot hewige debat gelei. ʼn Ander stem is op ʼn internasionale platform gehoor. My indruk van dit wat vandeesweek by ʼn VN-komitee gebeur het, is dat Suid-Afrika sy status as liefling van die wêreld verloor het,” het Hermann gesê.
Die komitee gaan nou ʼn verslag saamstel en aanbevelings maak. Suid-Afrika moet dan binne twee jaar verslag doen oor hoe die aanbevelings geïmplementeer is.
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