Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Black terrorist(aka Man) have jumped from the moving truck when police chased him...
A Hijacked truck have on Thursday plowed cars at the car dealership in Rustenburg after a black terrorist(aka man) jumped off it in an attempt to evade the police....
According to North West police, the truck was hijacked on Wednesday in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria....
Police and staff of the tracking company(in case you didn't know, all trucks are traced by GPS - global positioning system) have pursued the stolen truck on Thursday.
"The 45-year-old man knew that he was being being followed. He tried to flee from the moving truck jumped on foot, "police said in a statement. "The truck collided with a canopy and vehicles at the dealership and came to a halt."
The suspect was chased and finally apprehended.
He was arrested on a charge of possession of a hijacked truck. He was expected to appear Monday in the Rustenburg's Magistrate Court.
Man spring uit bewegende trok toe polisie hom jaag
ʼn Gekaapte vragmotor het Donderdag in stilstaande motors by ʼn motorhandelaar in Rustenburg ingeploeg nadat ʼn man daaruit gespring het in ʼn poging om die polisie te ontduik.
Volgens die polisie in Noordwes is die vragmotor Woensdag in Hammanskraal, noord van Pretoria, gekaap.
Die polisie en personeel van ʼn opsporingsmaatskappy het Donderdag die vragmotor in die dorp opgemerk en agternagesit.
“Die 45-jarige man het besef hy word agtervolg. Hy het uit die bewegende vragmotor gespring en te voet probeer vlug,” het die polisie in ʼn verklaring gesê. “Die vragmotor het teen ʼn afdak en voertuie by die motorhandelaar gebots en tot stilstand gekom.”
Die verdagte is agternagesit en aangekeer.
Hy is in hegtenis geneem op aanklag van die besit van ʼn gekaapte vragmotor. Hy sal na verwagting Maandag in die Rustenburg-landdroshof verskyn.
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