There is No Such Thing as Justice For White Minority in South Africa !!! Not For Those Who Walk Earth and Even Less For Those Who Were Already Buried Due to Black Terror and Terrorism !!!
Translated an modified by Bastian Auser:
When will the law's long arm reach out for justice on their behalf ? THE ANSWER IS NEVER !!! More often than not, white victims of black crime stay doom for ever and if black terrorists are caught by mistake, they often walk away as if nothing ever happened(if not from courts government by black regime, then from the prison system alone with heavily reduced sentences) !!!
---Conviction rate in South Africa is lower than 10 percent for murder (
---For every 1000 crimes committed in South Africa, only 430 criminals are arrested. Of these, only 77 are convicted and barely 8 of these are sentenced to two or more years of imprisonment. It is also calculated that South African convicts have a 94% recidivism rate (that is, 94% of all persons released after serving a sentence immediately become involved in crime again).
---Rape conviction is 6.6% only and robbery with aggravating circumstances 3% !!!
---During a total period of 44 years up to 1994, the murder rates in South Africa averaged 7,036 per year. After apartheid ended in 1994: according to SAPS statistics alone, 193,649 murders were committed in just 8 years up to 2003 -- an new average of 24,206 murders per year !!!
* Over the weekend of 12 September 2015, two people, Mr. Jonas Sirovhel (24) and me. Maggie Castleman (48), were killed in two separate incidents. According to the information at the newspaper's disposal is still no arrests made in connection with the two incidents.
* The weekend of 24/25 September 2015 Mr. Johan Oelofse killed during a firefight with a group of unknown assailants at his friend's farmhouse. One suspect was arrested, and appeared several times in court. The local police are not sure about the court dates, but I suspect that the matter be postponed while applying for a legal aid lawyer for the suspect.
* On December 29, 2015 is a local businessman, Mr. Japie van Heerden, attacked in front of his shop by a group of men, stabbed with a knife and he almost bled to death. No arrests have been made in the matter.
* On 9 January, Mr. Andre van der Walt stopped by two unmasked men while trying to withdraw money at the FNB ATM in the Checkers complex on the corner of Munnik- and Songozwistraat. He was badly beaten in the incident and no arrests were made.
* On 6 March, a 77-year-old grandmother with her two grandsons (30 and 23) and the oldest grandson's wife (24) held by six robbers. The young woman was raped four times by four different robbers, while the rest of the family was hit with sjamboks and bricks. Two weeks later, the Makhado SAPS arrested five suspects, but delayed the issue because they are waiting on DNA samples to determine whether the suspects raped the young woman. Apart from these results that await the police, are also waiting for phone records. Without this information, the police can not proceed and charge the suspects in the case. The national offices of the police, both the DNS and SMS results to process, however, is overloaded and it could be many months is known for the results.
* On July 2, 2016 Mr. Tony Strydom killed found on his plot, and no arrests were made.
Wanneer gaan die gereg se lang arm hul bereik?
Wanneer gaan reg en geregtigheid vir hulle geskied?
* Oor die naweek van 12 September 2015 is twee inwoners, mnr. Jonas Sirovhel (24) en me. Maggie Castleman (48), in twee afsonderlike voorvalle vermoor. Volgens die inligting tot die koerant se beskikking is nog geen arrestasies in verband met dié twee voorvalle gemaak nie.
* Die naweek van 24/25 September 2015 is mnr. Johan Oelofse doodgeskiet tydens ‘n vuurgeveg met ‘n groep onbekende aanvallers by sy vriendin se plaaswoning. Een verdagte is gearresteer, en het al verskeie kere in die hof verskyn. Die plaaslike polisie is nie seker oor die hofdatums nie, maar vermoed dat die saak uitgestel word terwyl daar aansoek gedoen word vir ‘n regshulpprokureur vir die verdagte.
* Op 29 Desember 2015 is ‘n plaaslike sakeman, mnr. Japie van Heerden, voor sy winkel aangeval deur ‘n groep mans, gesteek met ‘n mes en hy het amper doodgebloei. Nog geen arrestasies is gemaak in die saak nie.
* Op 9 Januarie is mnr. André van der Walt deur twee ongemaskerde mans voorgekeer terwyl hy probeer geld trek het by die FNB OTM in die Checkers-kompleks op die hoek van Munnik- en Songozwistraat. Hy is erg aangerand in die voorval, en nog geen arrestasies is gemaak nie.
* Op 6 Maart is ‘n 77-jarige ouma saam met haar twee kleinseuns (30 en 23) en die oudste kleinseun se vrou (24) deur ses rowers aangehou. Die jong vrou is vier keer verkrag deur vier verskillende rowers, terwyl die res van die gesin met sambokke en bakstene geslaan is. Twee weke later het die Makhado SAPD vyf verdagtes aangekeer, maar die saak sloer, want daar word gewag op DNS-monsters om te bepaal of die verdagtes die jong vrou verkrag het. Buiten vir dié uitslae waarop die polisie wag, word daar ook gewag vir selfoonrekords. Sonder hierdie inligting kan die polisie nie voortgaan en die verdagtes in die saak aankla nie. Die nasionale kantore van die polisie, wat beide die DNS- en SMS-uitslae moet verwerk, is egter oorlaai en dit kan nog maande wees voor die uitslae bekend is.
* Op 2 Julie 2016 is mnr. Tony Strydom vermoor op sy kleinhoewe aangetref, en nog geen arrestasie is gemaak nie.
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