Kennith McCormack, 42, his fianceé Marietjie Meyer, 46; Kayla, her 9-year-old daughter; and Monty Mc Cormack, the 73-year-old dad of Kennith were all beaten to death in a senseless quadruple murder by a group of black terrorists who were not interested in stealing anything....massacre took place on the night of 9-10 March 2016 on a Rodora, Doornfontein, Randfontein farm in South Africa....
Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:
Four black terrorists were arrested in connection with the slaughtering(massacre) of four white family members in March this year - Randfontein area.
Monty McCormack (73), his son, Kennith McCormack (42), and Kennith's fiancee, Marietjie Meyer (45), and her nine-year-old daughter, Kayla Meyer, were killed on their smallholding in Rodora.
The arrests followed an intensive investigation by Randfontein detectives and members of the West Rand trio task team.
Brig. Mashole Manamela station in Randfontein, expressed the police for their work faith and satisfaction with the arrests.
The terrorists will appear in court in Randfontein on Monday and then the case will resume on August the 18th....
Vier mense is in hegtenis geneem in verband met die grumoord op vier lede van dieselfde gesin in Maart vanjaar in die Randfontein-omgewing.
Monty McCormack (73), sy seun, Kennith McCormack (42), en Kennith se verloofde, Marietjie Meyer (45), en haar negejarige dogter, Kayla Meyer, is op ’n kleinhoewe in Rodora vermoor.
Die inhegtenisnemings volg ná ’n intensiewe ondersoek deur Randfontein-speurders en lede van die Wes-Randse trio- taakspan.
Brig. Mashole Manamela, stasiebevelvoerder in Randfontein, het die polisielede vir hul werk geloof en sy tevredenheid met die inhegtenisnemings uitgespreek.
Die verdagtes het Maandag in die landdroshof in Randfontein verskyn en die saak word op 18 Augustus hervat.
From Marietjie's friend since childhood : “Marietjie left school when she was in Grade 8 to start working because as far as I know the family was struggling. She has struggled a lot over the years.”
She said things were looking up for Marietjie when she met Kennith, whom she described as her soul mate. The two have been together for a year now.
“They have been living on the farm for about a year as well. In December I saw a photo of her ring on Facebook. “
She explained the two sometimes had to sleep in their car while the house was being built.
Farewell for slain 9-year-old Kayla Meyer
9-year-old Kayla Meyer
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