Thursday, August 4, 2016

56 Years Old White Farmer Died in Fire on Wednesday, But Nobody is Questioning What or Who Started The Fire !!!

My question is not if there were strong winds during the fire !!? My question is how the fire started or rather who started one !!?


A 56-year-old farmer died on Wednesday afternoon due to fire injuries on a farm near Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal...

Werner Vermaak, spokesperson for ER24, said the fire was raging on two farms when paramedics arrived at 13:00 hours.

"The fire was fanned by strong winds. Due to limited resources, The paramedics have jumped in and helped to bring one under control. Surrounding farmers and members of the Newcastle community policing have also help, " said Vermaak.

The farmer was treated at the scene for moderate burns to his face and hands. He was taken to the Medi Clinic Newcastle for further treatment, but as stated above - have died !!!


Boer beseer in wegholbrand

 ʼn 56-jarige boer is Woensdagmiddag in ʼn wegholveldbrand op ʼn plaas buite Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal beseer.

Werner Vermaak, woordvoerder van ER24, het gesê die veldbrand het op twee plase gewoed toe paramedici omstreeks 13:00 daarheen ontbied is.
“Die brand is deur sterk winde aangeblaas. Paramedici het weens beperkte hulpbronne ingespring en gehelp om die brand in bedwang te bring. Omliggende boere en lede van die Newcastle-gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum het ook kom help,” het Vermaak gesê.

Die boer is op die toneel behandel vir matige brandwonde aan sy gesig en hande. Hy is na die Mediclinic Newcastle geneem vir verdere behandeling.

Die brand is later in bedwang gebring.


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Thursday, August 4, 2016

56 Years Old White Farmer Died in Fire on Wednesday, But Nobody is Questioning What or Who Started The Fire !!!

My question is not if there were strong winds during the fire !!? My question is how the fire started or rather who started one !!?


A 56-year-old farmer died on Wednesday afternoon due to fire injuries on a farm near Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal...

Werner Vermaak, spokesperson for ER24, said the fire was raging on two farms when paramedics arrived at 13:00 hours.

"The fire was fanned by strong winds. Due to limited resources, The paramedics have jumped in and helped to bring one under control. Surrounding farmers and members of the Newcastle community policing have also help, " said Vermaak.

The farmer was treated at the scene for moderate burns to his face and hands. He was taken to the Medi Clinic Newcastle for further treatment, but as stated above - have died !!!


Boer beseer in wegholbrand

 ʼn 56-jarige boer is Woensdagmiddag in ʼn wegholveldbrand op ʼn plaas buite Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal beseer.

Werner Vermaak, woordvoerder van ER24, het gesê die veldbrand het op twee plase gewoed toe paramedici omstreeks 13:00 daarheen ontbied is.
“Die brand is deur sterk winde aangeblaas. Paramedici het weens beperkte hulpbronne ingespring en gehelp om die brand in bedwang te bring. Omliggende boere en lede van die Newcastle-gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum het ook kom help,” het Vermaak gesê.

Die boer is op die toneel behandel vir matige brandwonde aan sy gesig en hande. Hy is na die Mediclinic Newcastle geneem vir verdere behandeling.

Die brand is later in bedwang gebring.


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